It just occurred to me Bryan really doesn’t even need feminism - she could have achieved being an unmarried virgin centuries ago.
Hot pocket filling can’t melt steel beams.
Many years ago. I was incredibly stoned while staying a ridiculous hotel in Seattle. We had arrived a day early for a cruise, and I wanted to be pampered before I spent a week on a boat - which meant a full body high, a burger that would make God weep, and a Cherry Icee from BK. Because I wanted this to last, I made…
Tech bloggers getting fucked? There’s a first time for everything!
This is not the alt-right, this is the culmination of well over 30 years of legitimized racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, intolerance, science denying political philosophy and world view. This is establishment Republicanism in its most transparent and shameful and disgusting form. This is what they created and…
I hate them both so much that I can't find words appropriate for it. They're...everything wrong with feminism. Everything all rolled up in to two shitty white girls. And they continue to spew this senseless and harmful bullshit and be embraced for their edginess. I don't care if they are so chill that they wanna laugh…
Yeah, the oppression olympics approach people sometimes take just has no bearing on reality because it necessarily erased intersecting identities. When people are comparing the struggles of black men vs. white women, they aren’t considering that black man may also be disabled, the white woman may also be queer, one of…
If white feminism could be represented by one interview....
I remain sick and tired of people with guns.
I will never be over the fact that SVU did an episode based loosely on Anthony Weiner, in which the offending politician used “Enrique Trouble” for his “Carlos Danger” alter-ego.
They really don’t understand that trade is the best tool we’ve found for making the world safer (and the world as a whole really is safer in every conceivable metric).
Just like Toby was fond of saying in the West Wing, free trade stops wars.
I know, but if you’re clever with it, you can convince people of a concept that they would absolutely not agree to otherwise.
My favourite is the raccoon one, which leads to me describing myself as an all-hands no-feet trashcat:…
“I’m not proud to admit this, but before I had daughters, I sometimes used to harvest women for their organs to build Liver Pyramids in my backyard. I just didn’t see a problem with it. I sure do now, though. What if someone killed my daughters just to make a pyramid, or even a ziggurat, out of women’s internal organs…
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Parents who smugly say “my tax dollars pay your salary” usually are those nightmare parents who want to intimidate or manipulate you into bumping up junior’s grade because snowflake was “too busy” to turn in those assignments that “oh yeah, were just busy work”, with the implied threat…
I agree that the messages quoted in the article were unprofessional, inappropriate, and indicate disturbing lack of respect towards students. However, whenever I hear, “My tax dollars pay your salary,” I want to ask for that person’s address so I can send them a refund. I would love to know how much of your taxes go…
Well, first, I’m abroad, so you don’t pay my salary at all. Second, my point is that everyone vents always. As I said above, I do invest my time in figuring out how to help a child and usually I have great success. Indeed, I am the best teacher in my area according to all official evaluations. If you have NEVER ever…