
Holy shit, even that list of boring players was boring. 

Initially thought it was a Mitsubishi Galant.

So he could get hit by a bus.  I just fucking said that

Half Life 3 confirmed!!?!??!

I heard he's turned in dozens of blank pages of dialogue already.

Now playing

Oh, if anime witches qualify, this whole list needs some major reworking.

Congrats to WB for managing to trip on their own dick by casting a guy who’s a key player in one of their franchises to be a key player in another of their franchises.

Nice price or crack pipe

Reply to TingleyStorm: Yes, Dipshit unnecessary. The officer COULD have stopped the car and simply stated “Ma’am we had a report of a stolen car/suspicious activity in the area/medical alert for an older person”. Literally anything benign enough to stop the car and then assess the situation. His choice was to remove

And they could seriously do themselves a huge favor by just casting Charlize Theron. Just post a casting call for “Theron, Charlize, Goddess, to play character of her choice in a Star Wars movie.” Too specific?

The concrete is curing just fine. It doesn’t need more retardant.

I don’t get how some people can be just fine with GoT’s violence porn’ but show them one female boob and they go into a tizzy.

less J. Depp, more MJF pleez

The Long Night/Obi-Wan Kenobi...

“the wreck is being ruled as a racing incident”

If that’s the case, what place did the Tow Truck finish? 

god, how i hate trailers these days...they give away the whole movie!

And his daily driver is a pair of Nikes

715 horsepower jackhammer under the hood ...13.2-inch pizzas in the back squeezed by four-piston calipers.