Burnin' Dinosaurs

It’s been covered here before - CAFE favors bigger cars. If you can make your car physically larger, yet keep the same MPG’s, you’ll do a lot better than dropping the MPG’s of an existing platform.

They increase the effective volume of the combustion chamber, reducing compression.

A TSB may have been issued not because of faulty equipment, but because the brand doesn’t want petty complaints to rise up for what is actually true - performance brakes do make more noise. I don’t know how hard you brake, but it’s possible that lesser “normal” brakes offer the same performance as the performance

No diesel currently in production has anywhere near 56% BTE (brake thermal efficiency). Some of the best on the road are on the order of 47%. And that is heavy duty diesel, not light duty.

One big possibility is via water injectors.

It’s more about using that heat to expand a gas and using that expansion for mechanical power. The main issue with a traditional gas engine is that it doesn’t have enough time to really use the full power of the expanding gas before the piston is coming back around again. That’s one reason that a diesel tends to do

56%?? I will be EXTREMELY interested to see what sort of witchcraft they plan on using to achieve this figure. I mean this is still an exothermic reaction.. are they making cooler explosions now?

This is why rushing to be among the first owners of That Hot New Model is often not the smartest idea.

Knocked out by fermenting molasses?

What confuses the whole thing is that, given the dimensional analysis used, we do multiply torque by rpm to get horsepower. That said, it’s torque, not horsepower, which is definitionally rotational (a moment on a lever arm as opposed to a push or pull). Torque is assumed to be force per rotation, engine speed is

Power is a rate at which work is performed. Thrust can perform work and therefore a power can be calculated. Rotation isn’t needed. Rockets can be rated in horsepower. Light bulbs can be rated in horsepower.

...does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Want to learn to drive stick? Try a Mazda MIATA.

That results in some severe engine damage, according to Chia-Fon Lee, a mechanical engineering professor and internal combustion expert at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Simply running the engine rough—as it misfires—could cause piston or cylinder head damage, leading to a loss of compression, Lee said,

Difference in speed really doesn’t matter if everyone simply kept right except to pass. The difference in speed on the Autobaun is staggering, yet there are less accidents on it compared to here in the U.S. Because people know how to properly utilize the lanes, there.

That mechanic is incompetent.

You can’t tell a damaged value from a leaky ring by a compression test alone.

The 10cc of oil trick works for the shadetree but you really need to preform a leakdown test.

Secondly I can’t fathom how the fuel, even if was washing the cylinder walls, could cause a valve to bend.

Get a second

The Hi pressure pump uses the diesel for lubrication

This is actually not true. People will, and do, drive at which ever speed they feel comfortable. Raising or lowing speed limits has little effect on the speed traffic actually travels.

If you are being overtaken on the right, please move out of the passing lane.

Following up with the interstate theme: