
You sedan and SUV lovers need to come to your senses and start using simple logic. Once you do, you’ll come to realize that wagons are the superior mode of transportation.

Looks like a Range Rover mated with BB-8

Wait... did you think I said private ownership of an automobile instead of private ownership of an autonomobile?

How is she so calm?


eye-surgeon at 11:12pm reminds us of Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Checks basically every requirement

With as retarded of a list of wants as he has, this is the only suitable option.

2 am in Florida, Feds including ICE agents quietly line up outside a quiet, unassuming white import shop. They place chains on the large overhead door which are firmly attached to the back of an acquired MRAP. With a solid tug and wail from the diesel powered behemoth, it rips the entire door and parts of the wall

I think we found the next #DougCar