
He would gladly attack you in person, which I happen to know, because he is MY CAT (and also I have a ton of Sam scratches just from this week).

HEY THAT’S ME! I MADE THAT! True life, I cried a little bit when I got it in the mail, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen my father look at me with such pride.

That’s my cat in this week’s Double Creature and they didn't use the photo of Clive Owen I submitted where he and Charlie were making the same face so now I look like a big dumb jerk who has let all of you down.

Was I the only one who would rather read The Outsiders and A Begonia For Mrs. Applebaum ad infinitum? Jessica Wakefield was so overrated... Give me Ponyboy! *ducks and runs

Yes, Hollywood can suck. But without it we wouldn’t have this

I would like to thank Jezebel and Dirt Bag in particular, without whom I would never have known that Double Creature even existed. This is the best day of my LIFE.

Not only that but people keep referring to him as a kid. He was 21 years old. And all the black kids who’ve been roughed up, and shot are always talked about as if they were full, cognizant adults. That is perhaps the biggest hurdle for our racism problem. That white people can conceive of black kids as being KIDS.

No, the article has this incorrect. Hill testified that Thomas stated to her that there was a pubic hair on HIS soda can. This was an example of him bringing up sexual subjects in every conversation whether relevant or not. She never said there was a pube on her soda can or that he put it there.

I only clicked on this post because of Abbi and Ilana being in the picture. Needs more Abbi and Ilana.

Like the Pulp song Common People about the rich woman who wants to be a common person. The line “still you’ll never get it right/when you’re laying in bed at night/watching roaches climb the wall/if you called your dad you could end it all, yeah/you’ll never be like common people” really encapsulates this.

Ugh, this shit is actually kind of offensive. Like, most women aren’t about to vote for Hillary (or any other female politician) just because she’s a woman. I am not going to all of a sudden jump at voting for two conservatives that don’t represent or support my interests just because they are women. It’s demeaning

I know “Dirtbag” is a light hearted feature and my comment has nothing to do with it’s content. I’m pretty new here and with a few exceptions have found the level of discourse elevated and the differing opinions enlightening. I’ll take a bashing if I have one coming, but this Rachael Dolezal madness is exposing a

this can’t be a real opinion?

Long time lurker on Jezebel. I couldn’t resist posting my 8th grade graduation portrait. It is from the early 90s but my hair and dress are terrible for any era.

I used to do the same thing during the era of little or no checked baggage fees (remember those halcyon days?), back when you didn’t have 85% of passengers on a given flight cramming bags into overhead bins. Now you see more people trying to limit their gear to carry-ons in order to avoid charges, and she who boards