
Wendi goes out and gets exactly what the fuck she wants and I. Ain’t. Mad. At. It.

Female ex-GOP here. When it’s how your entire worldview is informed from birth, “brain damaged” maybe isn’t quite as accurate as “brainwashed”.

Plus this:

That’s really the best one. It's amazing in the video

“That’s not my dad! That’s a CELL PHONE”


I love the Lonely Island SO MUCH. The absurdity of Threw it on the Ground makes me laugh out loud every time, and I sing it on the reg to my food and toy throwing infant.

...“Lazy Sunday” aired in the winter of 2005. I remember it vividly. I watched SNL cross-legged on the floor of my parents’ family room and watched, mouth agape. It was like nothing I had seen before, but in fairness, I was 14.

The lies of depression can exist only in isolation. Brought out into the open, lies are revealed for what they are.

The entire obituary is worth reading in full:

Mine was perfectly fine. I actually felt bad afterwards because I thought it should have been more difficult and painful but it was just easy and afterwards it was like having a heavy period. I’m in Canada so it was free as well. It wasn’t the time of my life by any means but yeah... people who believe otherwise are

Having recently had one, I just don’t think people get the different between “this was painful and difficult...for two weeks of my life” and “this is painful and difficult and I’m forever scarred”. I don't know if that makes sense. I mean parts of it were hard, it sucked, I cried. But I was actually surprised when a

I live in Charlotte and I hope they take this from us. It will get a lot of these fuckers replaced. 41% of transgender Americans attempt suicide and they say they are trying to protect people. If anyone is able to vote in the upcoming elections in NC, the names I will be remembering are Pat McRory, Art Pope, and John

I feel like this buries the best part of the beef, where a Drumpf supporter called John Legend uneducated (because of course) and he responded, “actually the Donald and I graduated from the same university”. Daaaaaamn. You couldn’t plan for a more perfect burn.

As a pro-life democrat I’m always amazed at republicans hate of Planned Parenthood. This is because Planned Parenthood reduces abortions!! They should increase funding, not decrease it.

One of the biggest and most valid issues that people have with progressive liberalism in 2016 is there is absolutely no fucking margin of error ever. Ever. If you say one thing that can be construed as offensive (by people who spend all of their time parsing through each word and inflection of everything everyone says

This is unbelievable and a definite eye opener. Male in my twenties so I wasn't around to observe but this is so so backwards it sounds like it should be a century or two earlier then that. The anger that has to build up and be carried from that period must be excruciating

Hot (unpopular) take: The Newsroom was preachy, a scold, and ridiculous. But I loved it. I wish it was still on the schedule if for no other reason for their internet expert kid could finish his expose of “people can be assholes on the Internet”

I’m so so so glad you found it! Want further proof that they were still coming up with amazing new hot garbage ideas even after 20+ seasons? Two words: beard weave. It too must be googled to be believed.

This seems like a minor correction, but I know the mother and she is adamant everyone know it was maternity clothes not baby clothes. Her family and friends gave her plenty of baby clothes, and she doesn’t want them to feel like they didn’t do or give enough.