
12yo black kid shot=shouldn’t have played with a toy gun. 14yo white kid molests multiple girls=he was just a child, he didn’t know. Mkay.

White privilege is having agents of the state and a presidential candidate protect you despite being an incestuous child rapist. Imagine if this dude wasn’t a white guy. It’s truly baffling so many people are unwilling/unable to have a modicum of empathy for people like Tamir Rice but are more than willing to defend

It sickens me even more that she was saying these things while having knowledge of the fact that a child molester who wasn’t trans, gay, or any of the other sexual minorities she was worrying about living under her roof and being protected and celebrated. These idiots should have never been on the air in the first

As a trans woman I just enjoyed being continually being called a predator and a molester by Michelle Duggar with hardly one bit of evidence other than her say-so. At times, I just have to wonder why Americans allow such bigoted and dangerous people into their lives and on their TVs. How much fear and violence do I

Well, according to their Facebook supporters this is all thanks to the liberal media, gossip lovers, and atheists. Because, you know, that’s the only people who should ever be outraged by child molestation. Religious people get it.

were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities.

Republicans, these are the people you vote for. These are the people you willingly choose as your leaders. You elect people who throw their support behind incestuous molestors. You elect people who raise children who torture animals. This is conservatism in the year 2015.

The notion that women are the sexual gatekeepers and that premarital sexual contact soils us absolutely makes the victimization of girls easier. More than one subculture can contain rape culture so I’m not sure why you bring up the porn industry. Anyway, Bill Gothard and the history his group has with molesting girls

I’ve interviewed the author of this post and Emma Sulkowicz for Gawker. I consider myself to have a reasonable bullshit detector, and a strong grasp of the issues involved at Columbia. I found the author and Emma surprisingly forthright, wholly credible, and supremely conscientious at all points in our interviews. I

A fuck ton of Chechens are adamantly against this whole travesty, and this sort of treatment of women and girls in general. The public criticism this piece alludes to? Comes from within Chechen culture as well as from without. Don’t let the worst parts of Chechnya define Chechen culture, not without learning about

Jesus, that’s actually sad. This is what happens if you don’t let kids be part of the broader community and give them healthy ways to channel their adolescent sexual energy — all people raised in this kind of environment know is that sex is a sin, and for lack of a better outlet they start trying to hump their sisters.

I’m trying so incredibly hard to contain my anger at the ignorant comments I’ve been reading. I was raped by my brother throughout my childhood. It wasn’t innocent “playing doctor” and it certainly didn’t fucking matter how old he was. The power and size difference were very real. That same brother is now under

this started out funny and then got rly homophobic and nasty :/


I was watching Conchita’s reprise of “Rise Like a Phoenix” at the Eurovision Heats with my 5 year old daughter last night, because it is never too young to start watching Eurovision.

Yes, let me be a part of a demographic that has the highest rate of suicide, risk being ostracized from my entire family just to see some boobies. Makes total sense.

Listen...I don’t know a single little boy willing to pretend to be a girl just to get into tents with other little girls. These people are trying to say that a child is so sexually driven that he will go to the lengths to pretend to be transgendered (and face the social repercussions of that) to violate the innocence

Oops. Looks like Jay Z did actually donate to the Marina Abramović’s Institute.

i resent the fact that there are 24 yr olds with enough money to waste on foolish retail ventures in NYC.