
I think you’re probably right. . . .in so far as I am in a place to judge ;). And, if this is the case, it’s such a terribly mysogynistic move—keeping her in a legal and psychological stranglehold. He does seem like a real douche. . . . .but, I guess I am conflicted. I feel like we should try to be as even-handed as


Her shows/tours are notoriously boring and prone to cancellation. I feel bad for fans that spent money to get to Vegas, but honestly this is not surprising. And while her comment was a brilliant bit of shade, you know who is notoriously magnificent at putting on a great show & almost never cancels a show? Madonna.

There's really no point in feeling guilty about nail salons, because pretty much our entire civilization and way of life is built on drastically reducing the quality of life of the people who do the dirty work/slave labor.

What drives me crazy about this (among many other things) is that it assumes that they need a law to keep women from having abortions after 20 weeks or women will just get late term abortions on a whim. As if any woman WANTS to have an abortion that far along. Having a late term abortion is a very hard, sad choice and

Hey Texas.

Exactly. Taking a savvy musician who also happened to run an orphanage (and make magical HOLOGRAMS) and turning her into a reluctant teen youtube star is... sad at best.

What a lost opportunity.... The concept of a superhero rockband is great. They could have made a Scott Pilgrim-style epic glam rock opera with fabulous powers and glitter! .....But instead we got this.

Josie had more to do with the original than Jem does. Josie at least had a mystery plot line and unrepentant camp and no de-aging of the characters. They even made a joke about a character being there just because he was in the comics.


This isn’t even a little bit outrageous! No Misfits and no Synergy? Fuck that, I’m just going to watch the reruns on Netflix.

About ten years ago or so, I saw an episode of Chefography on Food Network about Sandra Lee. Sister had an INTENSE, terrible childhood. She lived in poverty and was responsible from a young age for the care of her little sibs. That was, evidently, the provenance of her “semi-homemade” ouvre, trying to find new ways to

I teach, and I think that the reason we do the whole “reading of the syllabus” on the first day is especially for situations like this. I try to cover anything even potentially touchy in detail right from the get-go, and in this day of online learning systems, it’s impossible that this hasn’t been sitting in an easily

Comic Sans-Fucks

Good! These “pro-life” hack groups drive me crazy. I work at a Planned Parenthood and have to be escorted to my office on days that our clinic does abortions.. I think it’s so funny these people get worked up over glitter when they send people to harass patients and staff at PP. They come with huge signs of mutilated

“I find it particularly ironic...that the anti-abortion community would choose to use one of the staples of murder, actual bombs, to spread their pro-life message.”


I read this and responded to it pretty strongly. It seems like such a practical, essential, and relatively simple way to help girls around the world. And I'm sure that I'd be able to get at least a dozen friends together to assemble kits. So, I spent the last 30 minutes or so on the Days for Girls website looking into

I would love it if posts like this included information like how to donate or get involved. This type of thing is awesome and I would love to help.