This casting makes our hearts hurt a little bit, and I’m sure you know why... [snip]
This casting makes our hearts hurt a little bit, and I’m sure you know why... [snip]
Arguments I read yesterday AGAINST removing the tax in Canada (from other women):
If they wanted to “help women”, they would teach sex ed in schools instead of the abstinence only programs they are so fond of. They would make low cost birth control accessible to women instead of continuously undermining groups that do. But, you know, it’s much better to put an ambulance at the bottom of the hill…
The problem is that people who are making this comment are usually 1) haters of Whedon. No matter what he does, he is an abomination in their eyes. So, they look for things to hate about him. 2) Are taking lines out of context. Like they will quote the “sterilized” and “I’m a monster” parts and leave everything before…
Exactly and I know people are mad about her not having her own movie but at least she gets character development! She’s complex not one dimensional. She’s a badass assassin and Aunty Nat and I adore that
Every breed of feminism is attacking every other breed, and every subsection of liberalism is always busy attacking another subsection of liberalism, because god forbid they should all band together and actually fight for the cause.
I just flashed to the motorcycle chase sequence in Age of Ultron. Natasha did so much in that sequence (drop from a Quinjet, race through traffic, scoop up Cap’s shield, toss it to him, and do all that stuff to get to Ultron’s truck), and I, as an audience member, did not question her ability to accomplish any of that…
Black Widow isn’t portrayed particularly progressively or interestingly in the film.
At first I was soooo annoyed that it was Black Widow who was tasked with the Hulk's lullaby. (I really hate the whole story line of Hulk being calmed by a women!) THEN, I thought...hmmmm...Natasha is MORE of a bad ass BECAUSE she is the only one with the guts to walk up to a raging, indestructible monster to calm him…
I know. I can’t believe more people aren’t pointing that out. Karyn is the worst
Those “dessert enchiladas” by Chase look an awful lot like blueberry blintzes.
I know a few Muslim friends who are incredibly kind, smart, friendly, compassionate people. It makes me so sad that some might look at them and assume they are TERRORISTS!!1&
it very much reminds me of white people itching to say “nigga.”
Alessia is an 18-year-old singer-songwriter from the suburbs near Toronto worth watching: the first single off her…
mr. f, i’ve just realized that since you took over midweek madness, i hear the entire thing in my head in billy eichner’s voice. is this intentional or am i just midway through a particularly slow stroke?
Yes, I’ve read the bible. As much as you want it to be it’s not going to be dismantled. Ever. And people HAVE been confronting it head on for a loOong time. Things simply will not change over night, as much as we may want it to. Progress is unfortunately slow & bumpy. Yes, the bible is VERY racist & VERY sexist in…
Look, first of all a person can admire who they want for whatever reason they want. Telling someone what they should or shouldn’t believe in & who they should & shouldn’t support is very FoxNews & has no place here. Second, I grew up around stick in the mud, bug up the ass Catholics my WHOLE life. I went to catholic…
Karyn’s dirtbags are what I would expect dirtbag to be like if it were a feature on The Chive.
The apple (bottom? are we still referring to women’s bums as various types of fruit?)