
“aelee” is the correct pronunciation, not “eelie”.

Prudes, breeders, and cretins are wrong with America.

The name has nothing to do with a religion.

Do you know any Leos?

Wrong, Adilyn; there were 6 Adalynns in 1996.

nerd (autist) != geek (stuntman) != wonk (expert)

There is everything wrong with Mary/Marjam/Marjah/Damaris/Leah/Rakhel/etc. if you knew what they meant.

There is everything wrong with Mary/Marjam/Marjah/Damaris/Leah/Rakhel/etc. if you knew what they meant.

Don’t you mean “one’s”?

Mary Magdalene?

All names are made up.

Venus and penis don’t rime, nor do Americans know how to say them.

You’re not “bias”, dolt.

“I’m going with classic Hebrew names for my kids.”

“privilege” when Emma Lazarus was born in 1849.

nice < niais < nescius := not-skilled and pretty < pratty are opposites, dolt.

Dude means funny dresser and -ie is Celtic.

those data

All of those names are awful if you knew what they meant.

its, retard