if this lord is a man
if this lord is a man
if this lord is a man
finds !-> their; 1 != 2
not nice < niais < nescius := not-skilled; you are
There’s no dot on the word.
There’s no dot on the word.
power -> speed
will -> shall
My like list has over 500 games on all platforms, between standalone games, compilations, and expansions, and between DOS and Evercade. I included tools-toys like Gravitation Ltd., Celestia, and Starry Night Pro Plus as games. That doesn’t even include the dozens of free interactive fiction and roguelike works on…
I want a 3DSwitchVR.
not about size: great:small -> well:weak.
not family-friendly how?
How many girlfriends?
its, hick
What “they”?
It’s not nescient to have; you are.
its, shit-head
not English