Ishbushka West Rides Again

This seems like a pretty huge flaw in iOS? Obviously nobody should be doing that, but why on earth does that feature even exist without having to like, match or have both ends click something? If it uses something like Bluetooth or NFC, I don't know what the airline can even do about it.

This is a really good day for us here in Alaska. Mary Peltola is a genuinely warm, funny, thoughtful, and smart human. We have a Trump Party Governor and actual nazis in our legislature - so, we really needed this. Thank you for making this story about Mary’s win rather than Palin’s loss. Yay, Representative Peltola!!!

He is Vigo!

On a mountain of skulls, in the castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood!

If you want to read a really funny left country story - Google Kris Kristofferson/Toby Keith at Willie’s B Day party.

No, the girl’s name would be “Nayveigh”.

Magenta and Puce were taken, I guess.

According to the masthead, the website you’re currently on is Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth. I’m sure you can find somewhere more hifalutin to clutch your pearls.

Pet peeve, but the bustles and Billie Eilish’s met gala look are absolutely 100% not Regency. The bustle was popular in the 1880s and 1890s. Billie Eilish’s outfit was one of the few that was on the Gilded Age theme and Gilded Age was 1880s-1900ish. The Regency Era was about 1800-1820s-ish and I’m being pretty

Was it Oregon that started out as a Whites Only Ethnostate?

The Militant Wing of the Salvation Army”

I just assumed that to these people, naming a girl Navy would, you know, encourage her to violate her gender role or something by thinking about joining the military.

i thought navy was a girl’s name!

Ah, yes! How could I leave out that we all think it’s perfectly fine to perform non-consensual genital mutilation on babies when it’s to force them to conform to gender norms.

Dont forget the genital surgery that intersex babies and kids are subject to in order to make their bodies conform to binary expectations.

What, that he’s a tough, man-of-the-people, workin’-class, truck-drivin’ man’s man? Like any other cowboy, construction worker, biker, cop, or Indian chief? 

People who have platforms who confidently spout ignorant bullshit suck! No trans advocate would ever support parents “turning” their child trans! Trans inclusivity means letting kids tell you their gender on their own time frame without pressure. For the overwhelming majority that means kids will just end up being

It’s better than their original choices, Army, Navy, and Surplus.

Jason Aldean looks like he is mad Ed Hardy and Von Dutch ever went out of style and is deciding to make it everyone’s problem.