
This one's pretty amazing, but my favorite is the Wrecking Ball one. Also got Jez love.

Sex ed and she was pantsless because she was practicing her demo?

Excuse me, but "boring" and "Harry Potter" do not belong in the same sentence.

Hahaha omg love this! The flowers in the beard? What in the actual fuck?

This makes me so ridiculously happy.


Umm love this *goes to find you on Twitter*

Oooh what if we had multiple people on the $20? Is that crazy? Like RBG, Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, all the good suggestions people put in this thread. Not that they don't deserve to have their own bill, but it could be cool to see so many great contributors represented. It could be like the quarter, except cooler.

Oh how I hate Tim Tebow. That was a great analogy by the way.

I totally love and appreciate that you nerded out!

True! Good point. I guess I more meant the District 1 tributes' attitude towards everyone else, i.e. that they're better than everyone and total dicks — especially to the poor people. Maybe it was a bad comparison, that's just what popped in my head when reading this article.


This is disturbing on so many levels. Also, is anyone else reminded of the rich kids from The Hunger Games? One of them gets killed by Katniss, right?

This ad is awesome. Your headline is not. Way to continue the cycle.

"Gaston of the 21st Century" <insert clapping hands here> genius

I wish you'd filmed your blender disasters.


Yeah! I remember that one! That dude was such a jerk. He laughed so creepily about it, too. And the other dude FORGAVE him!

Totally!! God he's so hot.

Agree 100% with your comment.