
My brother and I have been discussing the possibility of her return for weeks now. I don’t think she needs to come back because she’s already the GOAT and has so many other things going for her as far as endorsements, team ownership, etc., but we wanted it so hard and are ecstatic.

I miss Caruso so, so much. That one hurt the most :’(

You’re right... the expectations are astronomical and it’s kind of unfair. Like I said, it’s mostly the organization’s fault. The blame lies maybe 5% tops with AD, and really that’s only because expectations are so high and he has very little support. It’s a vicious cycle lol.

As much as I hate to say it as a Lakers fan, I think you’re pretty safe. Some of it is Anthony Davis’ fault... but mostly it’s the organization. There is no consistency in the team. They traded away everyone except Lebron, AD, and THT and it’s ridiculous to expect there to be any sort of chemistry or cohesion. There’s

We knew the outcome before the case even started. The problem now is what comes next now that it’s official. They’ve basically said it’s okay to cross state lines with an illegally obtained weapon, look for a fight, and then claim “self defense” when one finds you. People are going to die because of this. 

They could definitely recast and do a reboot.  Maybe with a sort of time jump.  The only problem with casting Lashana Lynch would be that she had a big enough part in Captain Marvel that it’d be difficult to cast her as another character.

Doesn’t trust science or medicine, but for sure went to the hospital real quick when she got hurt. It’s like, “I don’t trust you or your colleagues... but quick, fix me.

Apparently visiting teams are exempt from the San Francisco/New York local mandates. Which both makes sense, and doesn’t at the same time...

Ultimately I feel like that was the right decision, on multiple levels. My heart would’ve wanted to see her canonically be at least bisexual, but from what I’ve seen of the show (I only watched the first season so I might actually be wrong once I get around to watching the rest) romantic relationships aren’t the focus

I once heard someone say that the majority of things that are classified as “YA” are done so because they’re not mostly catered to cis, white, men. “YA” is where all the diversity lies. It’s where you find protagonists who are women, people of color, part of the LGBTQ+ community, disabled, or a vast number of other

So you’re telling me his eldest son lives in LA now?

I had those same wishful thoughts even though I knew there was no way. The Lakers really test my loyalty every single year. I’m still here, but I’m going to complain about it. I totally didn’t expect to be getting this mad at them three months before the season even starts, but there you have it.

Dude... I’m from San Diego. We never win anything either. I have hopes for the Padres right now, but I know how it goes lol. At least you have the Lynx.

I hate the Suns on various levels, so I would’ve never wanted them to win regardless of who they were playing. That being said tho, I legitimately am going so hard for the Bucks. I had always been sort of ambivalent towards them until last year when they refused to play after Jacob Blake was shot. They became my

The moment I realized we would lose it was in Game 3 towards the end when Bron and Crowder were getting into it, and the Lakers just kind of stopped playing and started messing around.

As a Lakers fan, I don’t want to be all “noT AlL LaKerS FaNs” because you’re right for the most part, and no one likes the Lakers except for Lakers’ fans anyways. That’s kind of what sports is about though. You talk shit when your team is winning, and then whine when they’re losing.

It’s not missing a word. She is about this. Pretty much meaning she is in full support/approval and is excited.

It’s still mind-blowing to me that Ana Navarro-Cardenas is a Republican. Like she has to be a double-agent, right? I know she’s a “GOP strategist” but still.  I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say anything that screamed Republican. Like centrist or conservative-Democrat at worst really. That’s really the only thing “su

No, I know the sentences won’t be consecutive. It was just purely wishful thinking that he’d be locked up for the rest of his life.  I know there is no way he’s going to get anywhere near what he should. Even if they give him 20, he’ll be up for parole in like half that.  If he serves even five years in an actual

I cannot believe it actually happened. Sentencing is where it’s actually going to matter, though. Hopefully there’s a mandatory minimum sentence for each of those charges, and they get served consecutively rather than concurrently. I’m honestly still not optimistic that he’ll get what he deserves.