
Chantix. Can't recommend it for everybody but it was the best thing for me.

As an American, I am often embarassed by how much we cling to outdated stereotypes with 'the 'bad teeth of the British' being one of the worst. That said, I don't believe Jamie is one of ours, so don't blame us on this one!

I still have my old iPhone 3g and I can attest that it runs iOS5 and it runs just fine. You should note that the older phones might not have access to all of the updates features but the 3G runs most of the features and most apps just fine.

To be fair this is NYT Magazine which is kind of the Gray Lady's Niece and this interview section is notoriously confrontational. If you hated this interview, stay away from it in the future because this is what it is like, week after week, though you can comfort yourself that it used to be much harsher under the

I just sold my 3G (not 3GS but 3G) to Best Buy for $60 in credit. I'm sure you get a considerable amount more for your 3GS. Get on the website for the trade-in program. It will tell you how much you can get but, more importantly, what Best Buy stores you can actually turn it in to.

Columbus Salami is giving away free salamis on their facebook page so that's neat. I'm trying to figure out a way to get a whole bunch for free and live off salami for a month.

Why is it cute when this dad is so wonderful because he photoshopped some Ewoks in his kids pictures but when I photoshopped some dicks...

Good for them. This is a great idea. Frankly, their daily deals is what got me started with using their MP3 store and now I use it, almost exclusively.

And, yet, if you understand French, the French are still kinda assholes. Go figure.

Are you kidding? Those Touchpads ads with Lea Michelle, Manny Pacquiao and Russell Brand have been on the TV, nonstop. I was shocked that they didn't try to keep this thing going until Christmas with the amount of moolah they dumped on ads.

Holy good lord, was that mouthwatering. I hope whoever made that video works on the Beef Council because they sold one steak, tonight.

Holy CRAP! You know ONE person who quit smoking by going cold turkey? That is so much more important than the experiences of MILLIONS of other people or the statistics that show that the success rate for people quitting cold turkey is UNDER 15%.

"I don't really give a damn whether you or he finds value in my comments."

"what do you do if you don't have a recent photo (or any photo) of your kid on your iPhone?"

I would have respected you more if you said "try magic"

I love it. Wonderful graphics, simple one-touch play and supremely cute.

@MajorGroove: Which is worse? The wanks without the fortitude to say or do anything in real life.

Lovely idea but the pinball game shown seems pretty basic. Would love it if the table could sync with other pinball programs like Pinball HD or Pinball Dreams.

@Akio Morita: I've got it (I bought it the last time it was 99 cents)

@kaffenated: I'm sorry but we have to agree to disagree. I'm glad that you found Windows 1.0 so innovative but it came almost 2 years after the Mac debuted. It didn't do anything that Mac didn't and it didn't slower and uglier. I would argue that until 95, Microsoft was just playing catch-up with all the other