
And face a murder charge with a whole bus full of witness and on video to boot? I doubt the driver was THAT stupid.

"I didn't say parks were bad. They're fine. Just don't let the government within a million miles of them because they terribly mis-manage them."

"Are you willing to move out of Portland, destroy your house, and return the land to its original habitat"

"you...seem to take issue with the fact that many trees were cut down to create space for Portland, but I see the trees that have regrown and take issue with the halt of responsible progress"

I think there are merits to just letting the spotted owl go or to at least letting it fight for survival by itself but there aren't any merits to your warmed over bullplop of weak Libertarian arguments.

Of course. There are millions of acres of land that used to be old growth forests and they aren't anymore. Logging companies cleared out the trees and the land was never grown back into old growth forest.

Actually, it is an invasive species. The Barred Owl is not native to Pacific Northwest and while they weren't directly introduced by man as pets or food or whatnot, everybody pretty much agrees that they spread here due to destruction of old growth forests (the spotted owl's main habitat) and the increasing of

There are many reasons to hate MLB but their app is not one of them. Best official app of any sport by far.

Well said and true.

Yes. And you have the legs of a 12 year old girl. Congratulations.

I ended up picking up Days of Heaven (BR), High and Low (BR), Last Days of Disco, Simon of the Desert and Man Bites Dog. The one that I couldn't get on sale because it was out of stock: Godzilla (BR). The one I just plain forgot: Night of the Hunter (BR)

Of course, it doesn't always have to be a "douchebag from out of town" but San Francisco, due to a variety of reasons, is a city with a large population of people who have moved here from elsewhere. Most commonly, it is people looking to make it rich off of Silicon Valley or their startup or something and, yes, they

I feel sorry for the dancing girl (I assume she is technically a booth babe.) She looks like an idiot, the 'silent disco' concept (danceparty where everybody wears wireless headphones) is a fad that isn't going to get far and the company's name, alone, is going to keep people away. I see the pun they are going for

I'm not sure why everybody is freaking out about what the Supreme Court ruled. It is pretty obvious ruling.

The justices didn't "into account international laws and forcing us to sync with them"

That was adorable. Sometimes, too adorable (how many days were just mugging for the camera?) Still, good for her. Nice job.

Don't get it.

Nobody hates you. You are just another internet person with very little experience, no actual appropriate credentials and thick ego who thinks that he knows truths about the world. Truths that everybody else and academics and governments don't know or refuse to accept or aren't smart enough to recognize or even