
@KalEnt: Again, you're being silly and simplistic. Win? We aren't kids. This isn't winning, this is grown-up, adult business.

@kaffenated: It WAS awesome! I will argue against Windows 1.0 until my face is blue but I am in such agreement about what a special time it was.

@kaffenated: I'm sorry. I don't think you remember this time, at all.

@KalEnt: You are being silly. The Apple of the 80's was a different company.

@fughedaboudit: I'm not saying that any experiments or research on this is fake, I'm saying that this video is fake.

@MifuneT: Excellent. Thanks. I was trying to figure out why that Time article was written so weird until I found out that it was written during WWII!

Fake, fake and superfake. This footage has been kicking around the internet for a while, now.

@MifuneT: Then link to them. This video is a fake, though.

@ddhboy: It's not on iTunes? Amazon has got it for 4.99 if you don't mind MP3's

I'm surprised that so many people have not heard of Beyond 7's. When I was in my early 20's, those were one of the brands that the local Planned Parenthood would give out. Despite the name, the condoms are not for men who are bigger than 7 inches. In fact, they run kinda small.

@revdrkevind: "Not all details are present, but I bet you that if this guy had to pay fair taxes on his income instead of taking money under the table, this would be a different story."

"Update: Fellas, fellas. The link says it's a Giants fan. Ok?"

@uli2000: That seem disingenuous. Both groups are highly Christian (and tend towards socially conservative Christian denominations such as Catholic and Baptist) and both groups tend to vote Democrat.

@jchen1: Oh lord. All right, let's start. Norwood was spewing nonsense about evil government and crazy theories about obscenely high taxes. Every thing he said is in line with the Tea Party and, thusly, the Tea Party crack wasn't wrong at all.

@jchen1: You don't know what you're talking about.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: "There is probably very little premium in prices currently for the fact that it is illegal, due to the fact that so many people grow it, and it's not a seriously persued crime unless you are just insane about how you go about doing it. " As someone who grew up in pot-growing country (Humboldt Co.),

@blash: I would rather have to wait a few extra months for 4G than put a bunch of anti-women, anti-gay and anti-science Republicans in charge.

@bananafishtoday: I don't know if I found anything right in what you said. It is all unsubstantiated speculation, personal opinion and occasional prejudice.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: You might be right that developers having a problem with Apple's approval process might take their apps elsewhere, I just disagree that this is a bad thing for Apple.

Of all the Ebert tributes/eulogies that have popped up since the Esquire piece, this is the one that I enjoyed the most and the one that, sadly, I relate to perfectly.