
You do!

Which city government are we talking about. Do you have some examples? Because there seems to be some incorrect assumptions in your statement. Gentrification mostly hits lower middle class and "working poor" who don't qualify for subsidized housing.

Well it deals with racism directly but it also deals with cultural appropriation in a slightly more coded (though still unsubtle) way

Well, that's the thing. If you are kicking out people who had no options, where are they supposed to go.?I think most people, in a shithole or not, would want a place to live

I heard a variation of this back in the 70's but it involved construction workers and racism.

Thanks, man

Normally, I would be exactly the kinda of guy to argue about Watchmen but I just can't. It really doesn't feel like anything that should matter at the moment

I was a depressed kid and attempted suicide, multiple times, and, as an adult, I've had several friends and family members kill themselves. I know the pain on both sides and, whatever I feel about him as a filmmaker, I feel so sorry for the pain that he and his family have to endure as well as the pain that the poor

I love Wan at his best (the original Insidious and The Conjuring) but I'm not too into him when he isn't (everything else) or when he produces. If he was doing the Resident Evil movie, I would be intrigued, but, otherwise, meh.

Isn't Drag Race tonight? It feels like I've been waiting for it FOREVER! Give me!

Really? That is the only other option? We have to get Snyder or "toilet humor DCCU"?

They are bad films. The only "preconceived notions of what they *should* be" that we had were that they should be good. They aren't.

Geof Darrow is amazing. I will read anything that he does the art for. The problem isn't that Shaolin Cowboy isn't gorgeous, it always is but the problem is that neither the comic nor the character is compelling. There is no real story there and the art, while amazing, gets to be very same-y after a few pages.

I saw a Looper video once and now their shit pops up on my Youtube page all the time. They are horrible and the 'What Happened to…." series is gross.

That is one nasty, bullshit video by one giant, long-winded idiot. Fuck THAT guy

"The Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth's inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this "New World Order"."

Are you referring to James Sturm's 'The Cereal Killings'? Because that specifically used altered parodies of mascots. Or are you referring to something else?

Yeah, I never got gore films or guys like Lewis and Eli Roth. There is so little horror because the thrill is the gore itself and the unpleasantness inflicted on people. That's the other thing, the masochistic pleasure in horrible things happening to people. Without any craft, I can't ignore the nastiness.

I remember Raiders came out on the same weekend as The Legend of the Lone Ranger and my brother and I chose Lone Ranger to go see. We didn't know anything about Raiders (trailers and commercials were a lot rarer then) other than a scary picture of a woman screaming at a skeleton. I heard Lucas made it but that picture

I hope that the movie it's better than this review makes it out to be. I care little about the IP (I preferred Blizzard's stuff when they were openly ripping off Warhammer) I really like Duncan Jones as a filmmaker (loved Moon, of course, and thought Source Code was much better than it's given credit for) and I'm