Cauley-Stein walked off. No handshake.
Cauley-Stein walked off. No handshake.
Cauley-Stein walks hand shake.
Hey Adam Schefter. How much is a brain worth?
He took us to church is what he did.
The governor has no understanding of the importance of drape in a piece of clothing.
The fix was in.
I hope someone cut blocks him onto the DL. In his option year.
Universities use campus police and administration to insulation their image from the truth. Kinda like the way the Catholic Church used bishops and cardinals instead of notifying real law enforcement officials when their priests raped little boys.
"Police Officer" should be somewhere on that list. Higher ranking for black people.
She's the most mature person in Bristol. Actually, she was when she was three.
sociopath. a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial,
Watched a game in a suite with a very successful, retired, D1 football coach.
Mike Ditka's ejaculate.
Despite his injuries, Consbruck led the Huskers in rushing.
In addition to putting himself at the top of the Heisman race, Melvin has quite possibly created an employment opportunity for a young coach willing to relocate to Lincoln,NE.
This is all well and good., but has anyone at Deadspin noticed that Wisconsin's Melvin Gordon has run 408 yards against Nebraska?
Worked with Ditka several times. Best story, he agreed to shoot a spot with us in the mid 90's. Dealt with him directly on the deal. No agent. He shows up, fresh from hip surgery. Popped pain pills twice during the one hour shoot. He was so good the client wanted to go a little longer, and create another piece.…
Can't snark. Just can't. God Bless everyone of those mullet heads, and that kid.
Sure. Just run somewhere else over something other than an injury. Remember, this is the NFL site. If anyone should show their athletes a little respect, it should be them. But given their position denying brain trauma for over a decade, this should surprise no one.