
Jim Fixx, the guru of jogging suffered a similar fate.

The Cubs are baseball's answer to Malaysian Air.

It goes from pass to pout in 4.5 seconds.

Campus police don't protect women. They protect the brand.

When Germany celebrates, the rest of the world worries.

Is it really a good idea to get Germany all riled up again?

Is it really a good idea to get Germany all riled up again?

This is crazier than Terry Gillam's Brazil.

I have seen one of those machines at work. They are amazing. This is video is amazing. I am happy for the bear. God Bless America. All of this is amazing. Oh, and I ran into a black bear once on my mountain bike. He was very cool about it. Once again, God Bless America. Unless this happened in Canada, the True North

Tyler. Thanks for reposting. The question isn't whether the officer in full rant is being a dick American. The question is if he is telling the truth. My take. He is. In 5 minutes and 35 seconds he gives anyone watching the clip a big, fat, fucking reality sandwich. This should be required viewing for every president

And they didn't announce this on ESPN with a half hour special? Total bullshit.

Life without at least one Super Bowl trophy can be bitter indeed.

Maybe if he kissed him on the lips he wouldn't be so upset. What a prick.

A good puke, like a good piss, dump, sneeze or orgasm, is a form of rebirth.

David Bowie and John Gacy had a child?!??!

As Vince Lombardi once said, "Fuck the Dolphins, I've never heard of them! And what kind of football name is 'Dolphin'? Jesus Fucking Christ!"

I have the Ipod my grandfather listened to during WW2.

Bravo. Bravo. Bravo.

Fuck him. He couldn't hold Lee Elia's jock strap.

The old two balls to the blonde trick.