I thought that’s what people did anyways. I had no idea the windows store even had emulators. Mind you, i thought the only thing the windows store had was a bunch of games for 5 years ago that all run on an iphone 4.
I thought that’s what people did anyways. I had no idea the windows store even had emulators. Mind you, i thought the only thing the windows store had was a bunch of games for 5 years ago that all run on an iphone 4.
Off topic, but that man could cry like no other. That’s some blue eyed soul right there. On topic, RIP Mike. #guardiandown
Its honestly the first thing I thought about when the move was described.
Yea his new recon mode and healing while moving are both great and make it so he may be viable in more situations but his ironclad is way too much. I think they could just remove it or lower the percentage by a lot and it would be fine.
Double bullshit. That’s the worst bastion in the world if it’s true. Also the soldiers they play against must be pretty horrible too if now pharah is tough because of the bastion changes. Pharahs last for about 1 second when I’m soldier and I see her. I’m all for meta changes but this change is bad. It’s causing every…
I feel like all he needed was a buff in recon mode and that was it, maybe a little more health or making his gun a bit better. Bastion before the buff was very dangerous as a surprise when a whole team turns a corner and just melts you. You could then come back and counter him easily...which I felt was the point of…
Same, I played Soldier all last night for my placement matches and if there was a Bastion, I couldn’t kill him at all when he was healing, he had a mercy healing him at one point and it just felt broken.
Lisa Turtle totally would have driven one of those.
I think players tend to complain more about a lack of single player if they don’t find the multiplayer good enough on its own. Also, being a class based FPS it doesn’t really lend itself to single player.
One of the problems with today overly PC society is that everyone gets ‘outraged, offended, insulted’ by off-color or ‘edgy’ humor. It used to be you would roll your eyes or brush off a stupid joke even if you were offended but now it turns into a crusade to destroy the offender. Send them to the PC reeducation camp.…
That’s why I preferred SOCOM (and others preferred Metal Gear Online).
The MMA equivalent of deciding to not campaign in MI or WI.
I loved the story, it kept me guessing the whole way. As I get older I’ve noticed that, outside of most rpgs, once a game hits 10-15 hours it really starts to wear out its welcome.
I don’t really care one way or another about this, the only thing that strikes me about this is that I still don’t understand Paragons hero design.
They’re all just box art characters from graphics cards right? Is that the theme that links them all together?
It's all a matter of opinion, I suppose. In the end if you enjoy what you do and you feel good about the work you've done then you just shrug off the critics and whatever negative labels they might be tossing in your general direction.
That is the most inane defense I've ever read.
I get why clickbait isn't acceptable to use for some sorts of criticisms, but how do you figure it's not acceptable to use in the case of a misleading headline designed to make people think that a fairly mundane article is not mundane? I take it to mean the same thing. You may not like that it carries with it a much…