Exactly. It wouldn’t have ever struck me to check for an emulator on the Windows Store. I’m used to finding them on standalone sites that haven’t been redesigned since 2002.
Exactly. It wouldn’t have ever struck me to check for an emulator on the Windows Store. I’m used to finding them on standalone sites that haven’t been redesigned since 2002.
So people should just download these things directly. I can’t believe Microsoft allowed them on the Windows Store up until now, to be honest.
People are allowed to play with who they choose and you cannot dictate how others should play.
This is a really awesome essay, and makes me wish I had a WiiU or Switch. :(
Even if he said all the stuff that he did and just tacked on a line at the end about ‘this also hurts our revenue which is a concern for us’ then I’d have an easier time believing they’re acting on good faith...
I would never recommend taking quick match or custom games metrics into account when assessing a player, only current and last ranked season metrics should ever be taken into account to get a idea of a players ability with said hero.
This analysis is boneheaded. All Kaplan’s response demonstrates is that they want players to be rewarded for actual good-faith play. There are any number of reasons why they’d care about these AFK custom games that have nothing to do with money from loot boxes. For starters, I can’t imagine they want these lobbies…
This is literally just Blizzard not liking that some people aren’t buying loot boxes.
he did pretty well in Ace Attorney...
Yeah, I know, right? He’s only averaging 23 points and 14 rebounds in his starts with the Pelicans so far. Total mediocrity.
Honestly, no one gives a shit anymore. Trump wins by getting you to focus on trivial BS like this.
You give me a rapey vibe.
This is like those “studies” which assert that 1 in 4 female college students will be sexually assaulted, based on a methodology which counts any report of sex while intoxicated as rape, whether the subject perceived it to be rape or not.
This guy is gonna get his ass beaten so bad if he makes it to the NBA.
Beyond that, it just doesn’t feel as cheesy as Mei deaths. I’m usually more pissed at myself if I get frozen.
There’s a hundred threads on io9 alone explaining that they are Asian, they “look Asian” to Asians, white to white audience.
Make your own representations. Seriously. Relying on cutthroat, capitalist enterprises, driven entirely by profit motive (and yes, this is the reason why Johansson—an A-list actress proven to drive box office—was cast, not because of racism) to make you feel good about yourself, or somehow represent you as an act of…
Ah. Well my reaction to dying in Overwatch is typically shaped by how cheesy I feel the death was. My general view is that if you don’t handle Roadhog or Mei carefully, and they’re somewhat decently played, you basically deserve to die to them. By contrast, Genji and Tracer feel far more cheesy to me, in the sense…
This is why we need at least 50% women, at every level, everywhere, all the time, period.
Would the judge still consider whether or not there had been a “flirtation” before the guy passed out?