The Alvin Greene Dream

This is correct, but the notion that “being a cop” isn’t enough is incorrect. So is the notion that anything in any of the clips shown to us of this movie accomplishes what you describe.

The character being a cop isn’t enough. There needs to be something simpler and more direct to make that connection with the audience. For example, “Oh look, she has a normal wake-up routine, and a dog, and a boss she hates,” etc. The more unlikely the character might exist in real life, the more essential it is to

Every take on GitS has maintained consistency with certain specific details, one of which is Kusanagi’s familiarity with her cyberbody.

That squiggly graphic down the side fills me with an inexplicable white-hot pants-shitting rage.

Why is Steve Harvey’s suit tucked in next to the spare tire?

Widow and Hanzo

Jon has every right to voice his opinions, just as Disney has the right to not give their platform out to hate speech.

And as expected, the woman gets less than half the sentence of the man. Because woman.

Ugh, another day another Uber hit piece.

At like 10% of actual speed.

No one’s advocating that someone be beaten for their beliefs, just that if someone beat the shit out of a Nazi we’re not going weep for him.

Morever, people like Richard Spencer, in the meantime, want people to believe that it’s white folks who are under attack from liberal hypocrites. And punching Spencer on the street only serves to validate that mindset.

Also keep in mind that Spencer isn’t just puttering around a grocery store mumbling about white supremacy. He wants ethnic cleansing. That is a thing he is working to accomplish.

There is no room for hate in society. Hate must be abolished through any means necessary.

Well if they start rounding up people again, yes, it’ll come to that. Giving Richard Spencer a bop on the head for advocating “peaceful ethnic cleansing” isn’t close to that.

We certainly stand to gain from studying Americans who downplayed Hitler and businesses who pledged to do business with him.

Our grandparents certainly were.

As for the idea of Hitler, I find it grotesque, and I find anyone championing it grotesque. But that doesn’t mean the ideal way to fight back is with hate and violence.

Yep. And the part where he says “...there’s no room for you in a society I want to build” is particularly chilling, because if that’s true, then punching alone is insufficient for the job. If a person really believes that those with unacceptable views cannot be allowed to take part in society, he or she needs to be

Yeah, except in 2017's reality, if you don’t punch the “Nazi,” you’re not getting shot at by them. The vilest attitude in the entire exchange is the one that implies you get to do whatever you want to someone else so long as you dump them in the right category.