The Alvin Greene Dream

This happens with basically anything remotely successful on Youtube. People who churn out videos are so strapped for ideas that they’ll just steal from others. Even for something as seemingly innocuous as a video about the history of AOL (by one of my favorite Youtubers, Lazy Game Reviews), there was pretty much

I’m sure you know how that usually works out. Nobody switches, and in fact, they dig their heels in even further, insisting that nothing matters “because this is Quick Play” anyway. Most of them aren’t even on mic to begin with, so trying to tell them anything falls on deaf ears.

I always know she can, I’m just annoyed when she does.

Also, a badly played Mei is an active hindrance to her team, blocking shots and sometimes cutting off allies’ escape paths, as opposed to a badly played Widowmaker, Hanzo or Junkrat, who’s merely useless.

But the key is that, even if she’s out of line of sight, you certainly know she’s somewhere, and could therefore rain on your parade. I don’t understand why you’d pay that any less of your attention than D.Va or Rein. I’d argue that this, more than any other reason, is why people get caught out by Mei in the first

Do you ever play Quick Play or lower ranked competitive? You’re usually already solo healing, which means switching out leaves your team with zero healers. I mean, it’s possible to win that way, but either your team has to be stellar, or the other team has to be complete crap.

So it’s equally important to take note of enemy Meis. Not sure why it’s any more demoralizing to get cockblocked by one hero than another.

I save my teammates from Deadeye all the time with D.Va’s matrix and Reinhardt’s shield. Eating ults with those two is extremely satisfying in a trolly way, but doesn’t generate nearly as much hate for those heroes as Mei does when she ice walls. Makes no sense to me.

The problem is that, when I’m experiencing frustration dealing with Tracer or Genji, I’m usually playing an essential role (healer) that I can’t just switch out of to counter them, at least not without throwing the match. I’m not arguing that there aren’t counters to these heroes, just that certain heroes are free

Mei’s often played as an ambush hero, which is what suits her the best. She’s not meant to be a mobility hero, because she isn’t one. She’s a defensive character who comes out of the woodwork to harass. And the way her kit is built, that won’t ever not irritate the shit out of everyone.

She can be just annoyingly hard to kill in the hands of a good player then when you add in the fact that she can troll her own team with the ice wall it just adds to it.

It’s frustrating. It’s obnoxious. It never feels like you’ve been outplayed. It just feels bad. That’s why people hate Mei.

I hate Mei with a passion.

No numbers are not all the matters. Team chemistry goes a long way and the guy is clearly a locker room cancer.

Shaky? Where were the better offers?

The best analysis I’ve heard re: Cousins is that he needs a grounding force who he repects on the same team with him, whether it be a coach or another player. I don’t think he does well at the helm by himself. Obviously, the best case would be a coach like Pop, or a guy like LeBron. But I think an equal that he gets

I will say though, because of Cousins’ attitude/reputation, they were never going to get back an equal amount of talent.

I love how this entire comment is crafted, in the end, as an outlet for your shitty views on Edward Snowden. I bet you pull this technique out at parties, too. Start off talking about your favorite whiskey, end with a rant about how Julian Assange should be drawn and quartered.

CS is so utterly boring.

You lost this exchange, Tim. Get over it.