
This is very sad for his family and friends.

Car and Driver tested the Storm GSi (1.6 liter DOHC, FWD, non-turbo, 130 HP) in 1990 and reported a 8.5 second 0-60 time.

As a man I approve this message. Boy do we suck.

Given that it seems the statement was borne out of frustration, it really feels as though Razer’s response was disproportionate...

Now we will have to listen to them never shut up about “they don’t make em like this anymore”. 

Looks like the American Dream sells better the further you get from America. Who knew!?!?

Problem is they’ll eventually pull out of the US market altogether. We’ll stop seeing old dentists riding their extra LOUD exhaust bikes through the neighborhoods.

What’s the most obscure failure you have ever seen?

I know I’m in the minority but I agreed with the call. Vettel made a mistake and had regained control of the car before heading back on to the racing line to block Hamilton. If you haven’t regained control of your car you don’t go back to power which Vettel clearly did.

Nah, too directly related to the product/service. Gotta be a little less descriptive. And spelled “creatively”.

Then this means I’m gonna make a ton of money off Americans falling off pogo sticks on YouTube

It’s worth pointing out that this venture is owned by ODD Company, which is a viral marketing firm in Sweden.

No, when the citizens fall in the potholes , the    potholes will be filled. Synergy!

Came here for this.  75% of Americans are in no way in shape or coordinated enough to make 4 hops on these things. 

I always tell my kids, you can be anything you want and make tons of money, you just have to be an idiot.

I see your stick and raise you:

You hop to the local Starbucks to get a nice cuppa brew.
And then you hop back with your coffee-on-the-go.


I’m starting an app-based roller blade micro mobility share startup.

I hope they try this in Indianapolis. Over 1/3 of our citizens are obese, and we have a huge pothole problem. This is either going to kill a lot of people, or make the pothole problem worse.

Well yes, that’s how all apologies that don’t involve time travel work.