
I’m ashamed to admit that for a few seconds I thought this was from a strange Doctor Who porn until I realized what it really is. Now I’ve got Doctor Who porn ideas in my head. This is a common mistake though right?

I don’t even like getting seen in a shower cap. It’s just not “maritally necessary”

she has always done it since she was a zygot. yap totally get it

Time to get sentimental for a moment.

Khloe was always my favorite Kardashian and she just reinforced it. I totally get her decision to put the divorce on hold to take care of Lamar, and think it's a brave and lovely thing she's doing.

Emma Stone has the best hair I’ve ever seen. Red hair is really great on a woman. I’ve never been a fan of blondes or brunettes, but redheads... just dynamite. If I was a woman I would certainly dye my hair red, not the bright orange red of course, but that deep smoky red. Reminds me of fall. Pretty sure over half of

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield have ended their relationship after four years of deep, passionate love, and we were the last ones to know about it.

it was a great episode


Wtf no clown warning?!? Great. Now I have to explain to my husband why I just screamed. Omfg clowns

“... most ghost stories and sightings revolve around the middle 1800’s and the Victorian era”

I used to believe that ghosts didn’t exist until I spent a lot of time hanging out at my friends house. Lights would turn on and off, footsteps running up and down the stairs, lamps would start shaking, etc. After a while you got used to it, but I hated the feeling that I was being watched every time I was over there.

There's also so much done in the editing process that odds are they've taken out chunks of the story. She will, most likely, never feel at ease with all of this because it fucking earth rattling when you're cheated on, but she's also probably unaware of how little her narrative has been told and there's the

I told my kids: I’m putting money aside for you. Tuition or therapy - that’s your call. They are 19 & 24 and no arrests thus far. I also told them I get the good nursing home every time their father acted up. We’ll see how that one plays out.

I like a good hug, too, but only when I want it. Hugs to you, internet stranger!

So...what’s the going price for your children’s future peace? Remember, folks, the internet is forever.

As a person who does not believe in anything paranormal whatsoever, but who is still terrified of the prospect, I can tell you it makes me want to slap myself in the face an awful lot. It’s so not fair. It shouldn’t be possible to be scared of things you don’t believe in.

The real nail in the ghost coffin is that in order to interact with anything in this world, you must have mass and be interactable with yourself. While this basic physics won’t deter a believer (HURRRR WE CAN’T UNDERSTAND THE GHOULS BRO), it’s pretty fucking simple: if I can’t touch you and you can pass through walls,

Pretty much, our reality is far less interesting than most people wish it to be.

Yeah I think a lot of the more physical jobs are going to continue being male dominated for awhile. There’s also a delay effect in place when you account for the fact that since most of them are union jobs, it’s going to take some time before you see top jobs being held by women if just now there is a greater spread