
“AI leaders afflicted with the dreaded spelling bee bug obsess over things like religion, sometimes to their own detriment, because they have no default values for other important qualities.”

Too bad Anastasia Bryzgalova from the mixed doubles team isn’t on the Russia team. I’d watch the light bounce off her for a few hours. Wow.

It has to be uppity black people. It certainly isn’t the cost of tickets/parking/concessions; poor responses to domestic violence and brain trauma; that no one knows what a catch is; that the league’s punishment is inconsistent and makes the commissioner look like a idiot; that the league has saturated the market with

If Goodell wants a plane, Jerry will buy him an ICON A5.

Yeah, but what’s her take on a 4-3 defensive scheme with Manti Te’o at the Mike?

Should’ve been you, Curt Schilling.

Now playing

Neil Young, absolutely revitalizing himself when he appeared on SNL promoting his album, “Freedom,” in 1989. This is not the Neil Young we had sadly grown used to seeing over the previous several years. I was calling people on the phone during this, shouting at them to turn on SNL!

Foster the People on SNL maybe 5 or more years ago. Best performance on the show imo (though the recent LCD soundsystem one was good too)

We already did, and Sinbad was in it

Doesn’t he know that the rules changed a few years back? Catchers aren’t allowed to defend home like that anymore.

Arby’s horseradish sauce—mmm ...

Remember back in the day when the Wimbledon grass courts were as worn at the net as they were at the baseline?

No, the Yankees are not at fault.

Kudos to the anchors who stood firm in support of Hill

Aaron Hernandez’s sentence ends... oh wait, nevermind.

This is poor leadership. No Royal has scored in a week. People - even baseball players - have needs. Come on, Dayton. Give these guys their porn back.

I mean it isn’t a badly-done opinion, but it is a fucking stupid opinion.


Anyone else hate “on accident?” No, just me? Okay, I’m leaving....

Racism? At an Indians game?

I have small quibbles with these rankings, but they are basically correct. The main error most Pop Tart eaters make is not recognizing that, generally, non-frosted Pop Tarts are far superior to frosted Pop Tarts. All frosted Pop Tarts taste like basically the same thing—pure sugar—which is an okay thing, but something