
looked accidental to me. no way they can prove it did it intentionally.’s just a victory over the entrenched lifelong politician. a Republican wouldn’t have chance in Birmingham...huge minority population. they don’t even try to run.

good thing nobody had any teeth to knock out.

that’s his nephew in the picture picking out the games he wanted.

I want both teams to lose for forcing me to watch anything more than the dunk.

the term is "Holmes." sheesh.

yeah, but you have to assume that when the balls were "turned over to the NFL," they were then inspected inside somewhere, and not outside in the cold.

the only thing about it that's breathless is this article.

probably hard to paint over all that James Franklin slime.

Trying to drive on ice without the proper preparation (i.e. infrastructure and equipment) is just not feasible. It's like trying to win a BCS championship with a bunch of Big 10 football recruits. Eventually you end up in a ditch.