Well, that's a refreshing change of pace. Yes, all platform holders and publishers pay us for all of our coverage. It makes it easier for our company to not pay us anything. You figured it out!
Well, that's a refreshing change of pace. Yes, all platform holders and publishers pay us for all of our coverage. It makes it easier for our company to not pay us anything. You figured it out!
I wonder what system you will be buying in the near future.
Not the same in the least...
That's something Sony is going to have a hard time competing with. Microsofts Azure servers allow this to be practical, spinning off servers on de,and as virtual machines. So for example EA can leave up multiplayer on all their sports games, because they don't have to have a box sitting there waiting for players, ther…
Every Xbox One exclusive is also coming to PC,
For people who aren't acquainted with ShopTo, I feel I should point out that they are an excellent retailer. In fact, I would say they are by far the best online games retailer in the UK.
And Sony holds patents that limits the ability to play pre-used disc based games. I guess the PS4 will be a DRM machine...
Gotta say, EVE has some terrible designs when compared to everyone else. I guess visuals aren't really that important anyways when playing Excel... and all of the Warhammer ones look the same.
yeah. it literally seems like he may have had the worst possible experience out of anyone who tried it out.
Or neither of those, and instead the more likely option of concentrating on what the consumers want / expect.
Especially considering that the x1 is intended to be able to be used for more than just gaming. They need to be able to provide a service that Japanese consumers would want.
To claim that you can just throw a…
No, you actually did, you just weren't affected by it. It's a fucking mature-rated game and no one should have bought it for you.
Yeah and then everyone blames the games when the kids turn out crazy. If the parents are irresponsible enough to not pay attention to game ratings what do you expect about the way they raise their kids?
I guess bad parenting is international.
I'm so sick of seeing children playing mature rated games. Parents would never let their kids go to see R-rated movies, but they are letting them play R-rated games. Fucking criminally negligent parents.
Come on. And I say this as someone who loves his Wii U. But. Come on.
If you could play super awesome titles like Uncharted, God of War, and The Last of Us (just to name a few!) then yeah go ahead and play on PC 0_o
Not as innovative as Microsoft letting 1 purchased copy of a game be fully accessible to 10 other people?
When Microsoft does it, it's stupid and evil.
Except it's not like that at all. To make your analogy work, the "chick" is told in advance, "You will be punched in the face by this bro" or you can go over here and not be punched in the face. The "chick" tells the "bro" about how punching someone in the face is wrong, so the "bro" says, "You're right I won't do…