That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.
That’s like saying you can’t own a song, cause we all have voices. Can’t own a book, cause we all have fingers to write. Can’t own a game, cause can all type code. Absurd argument.
I admire your restraint, lol...
IKR? First off, there’s no way that suit is made of iron. It would be way too heavy. Plus, it’s a different color from the one Iron Man wears.
uh isn’t context important? he cheated on a video game. nobody was actually physically hurt. now you’re asking us to draw some kind of moral equivalency between a child not playing by the rules and a corporation that generates millions in profit and has infinitely easier access to legal resources suing said child?…
Yeah, you seem like a real winner.
HA! And you managed to not make your kinja name Manatee Farts? That’s awesome, honestly.
These mice are awful.
These mice are awful.
The “good news” is that Button made the podium because he is British? What does that make Hamilton?
It would be sweet if Valve made an Orange Box 2.0 that included this and the expansions amongst other things for Xbox and PS4. Shit, I’d play Half-Life on Switch!
Oh jeez, here come the cool witty atheists with their flying spaghetti monster jokes...
Careful, you’re going to have very strong opinions from very emasculated young males about their PCs on this. :)
I was thinking something similar. It sounds like the end goal of the program is to do just as you say. Though we don’t know if the program already does preemptively curb their participants’ expectations, it should do so. At least based on some of the positive comments from the participants, the effects sound positive…
Seriously? How is this post-worthy. How do people own cars and not know what these are.
This is one of those things that I’ve always wondered but been too lazy to investigate. Thanks!
First of all, the golf meme is getting old. I’m sure it probably came from whatever right wing propaganda you get your “news” from, but let me nip that thing in the butt: Obama took far, FAR fewer trips than GWB, Clinton, GHB, or Reagan. Its not that its a problem for a President to take a vacation: its a fucking…
So. Much. BITCHING. “Stupid roof box!” “The Camry of Europe!” “Purist and Rocket Bunny = LOLZ” “Forza is only a passing resemblance of the real track.” “This looks more like plagiarism than scouting.” Fuck each and every single one of you. Someone goes to be creative with a lack of scouting time and uses the tools he…
Yes, this. I'm convinced that people keep forgetting there are intelligent, liberal, religious people because we aren't the type to go on crazy rants or do obnoxious shit that gets put on the news.
Because my voice deserves to be heard as well. So yes, #notallchristians with ZERO shame. I'll #notallchristians all day erry day.
Having been raised by ultra-Christian/ultra-Liberal parents I always resent the notion that believing in God also means you don't understand science or marriage equality or vaccinations.