I always wear the strap, if I don't then it swings about and annoys me just getting in the way. Sure I could take it off entirely but then again there is that added benefit of having a working TV.
I always wear the strap, if I don't then it swings about and annoys me just getting in the way. Sure I could take it off entirely but then again there is that added benefit of having a working TV.
it seems you have the same problem. I actually am very grateful that there are people working hard on some new levels for a game I adored, and all that without any official contract. There is nothing, again nothing boring looking about this video, if anything it looks impressive for a mod, so no, it's not ok to…
I demand more from these people who have worked the better part of two years to bring me a free game!
Isn't involuntarily shitting your pants a symptom of pretty significant head trauma associated with concussion-like symptoms? I read an article about how this is a thing football players taking huge hits to their head do (maybe even on deadspin itself). So while we can laugh at him for shitting himself, this may…
Kid knows about PSN yet doesn't understand what constitutes a real usage of 911. It's moments like these when you suddenly realise that those who say playing video games non stop is a bad thing may actually have a point to some degree.
Fans: "We want something new!"
dude give it a break, it's the first time 4 different games with 4 different engines are all packed inside one disc, it is pretty ambitious and i actually admire what they added in it
It really hurts me to think about the lost population here. A lot of people are bailing.
Best postscript in a personal letter, ever.
Wait, has it been confirmed that Tekken 7 is PS4 only? And ignoring Xbox One because of Japanese sales is shortsighted.
Yeah, I don't think he "simply" tried to show the double standard. I think he went well out of his way to provide some insight to people who are naysayers or who just don't get it.
...he simply proved something we all already know, the double standard women deal with on a day-to-day basis.
Could be worse. You could be playing Driveclub.
That would just give them an excuse not to properly optimize a game. Dumbest thing ever for a console.
I don't have cancer.
They treated them to millions upon millions of dollars and an opportunity to buy themselves back. When Steve Jobs showed off Halo as the new great game for his system they had the opportunity to stay solo. Microsoft put them on the map and paid them handsomely. If they even had a beef with them which has not been…
"Atrocious sense of humor and style"
It's comforting to know that, when faced with real and imminent danger, there will be people like yourself that have desensitized themselves to their natural instincts and will hesitate when they should be running. Thus slowing down whatever it is that threatens us allowing everyone else a chance to escape.
Halo Nightfall looks incredible! I enjoyed Forward Unto Dawn, but this is on a whole new level.
Anybody noticed the Ratatouille reference?