Al b sure

Or the fact that he says they were robbed by a cop.

I got robbed once with two friends while walking to the Hell-Osco on Milwaukee Avenue in Chicago. Following that ordeal, what started as a grocery run turned into a marathon beer and shot session (with many free rounds when we retold the hold up story). Adrenaline works in strange ways.

LAWYER: You can never go back to Brazil.
Lochte: Man, but I really enjoyed Europe!

As an Olympic swimmer, Lochte has called the experience, “The second most painful Brazilian of my life,”

Full disclosure: also me.

please dont objectify her

I'm not sure he felt any guilt even before the dementia kicked in...

“...the female who did Selma.”

The phrase to describe the mentality around here - and elsewhere - is “criminal justice reform without criminals.” It’s all good in the abstract. Once actual criminals are involved, well, you see how it goes.

The only person in a position to forgive him IS THE VICTIM. Justice is not about forgiveness; courts and society as a whole are not in a position to forgive anyone. It is incredibly painful for someone who has been victimized to be told “well, I forgive the guy!” I speak from experience.

Thank you!

He didn’t do everything he could to demonstrate otherwise. As far as I can tell, all he’s done is beat a prosecution, against the highest possible standard required for prosecution in our justice system. Nevertheless, the fact that I think he did it doesn’t mean I think he should now be imprisoned. Nor does it mean I

Not going to argue this particular man’s guilt or innocence, but I feel that the focus of restorative justice cannot solely be on forgiveness and reintegration. We need to make victims/survivors the priority, and understand the impact of violent crimes as well as the reasons people may commit them. If safety and peace

How have I not described forgiveness? I don’t think “forgiveness” requires just excusing all past bad acts no matter what? I don’t think forgiveness and criticism of past actions are mutually exclusive. I don’t think forgiveness and asking questions about past actions are mutually exclusive. I don’t think forgiveness

Forgiveness is not owed, it’s earned. The concept of restorative justice implies that the transgressor has accepted they have erred, as you can see this gentleman does no believe that’s the case. If you want to make a habit of forgiving people who won’t even admit they’ve wronged you go right ahead , but don’t ask me

What is the connection between a guy who was found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and thus was never incarcerated, and the mass incarceration problem? His acquittal entitled him to not being incarcerated. It didn’t entitle him to anyone’s respect, to not have to answer questions, or to be free from criticism.

I am appalled that he tried the old I have a wife and daughters now so I’m a good guy bullshit.

Empathy for the woman you gang raped while she was unconscious? Fuck you.

Beats me

I’m sorry that’s something you had to experience sis. He disgusts me and I am appalled that he tried the old I have a wife and daughters now so I’m a good guy bullshit.