
Lin-Manuel Miranda is Puerto Rican, which makes him an American citizen, not an immigrant.

Lin-Manuel Miranda was born in the U.S., and therefore he’s not an immigrant. His parents are Puerto Rican, and therefore not immigrants either.

Puerto Ricans are not immigrants!!!!!!

LMM is a native New Yorker, he’s not an immigrant.

He thought it was about Hamilton Nolan? No...that’s not it.

Boy, is he in for a surprise!

On second thought, Pence might be the greatest troll ever. Ruining the night of these rich liberals who spent thousands of dollars to see a Broadway play.

the ‘left’ does indeed need to do some soul searching about its own condescension and writing off everything outside of urban and collar counties. but what also has to be owned is that ‘they’ agreed, via endorsing by vote, that rhetoric and policy proposals which were threatening and insulting along a whole spectrum

Solid kinja.

Everything I know about the FBI I learned from X Files.

To be fair, they’ve always been pretty shady.

I explained shade to my parents and my dad said: “There’s a word for what your mom does?” He now rejoices in pointing out shade where he finds it. He’s extremely accurate.

And that’s why the Democrats will lose the next election too, you condescending prick. They’re not racist. THEY HATE YOU. You think you’re a “swell guy” because you’re drowning in your own self-righteousness and you actually believe the bullshit you’re selling. You want more white people to vote Democrat? Here’s a

I read a lot of hand-wringing and “(insert celebrity or elitist here) doesn’t understand why Trump won.” It’s easy to see from where I’m sitting (and I voted for Clinton).

“It’s not that the republicans are playing chess while the democrats are playing checkers, it’s that the republicans are playing chess while the democrats are in the nurses office because they once again glued their balls to their thigh.” -Jon Stewart

You know what we need?

I’m not saying you have to agree with Ben Shapiro or whatever dipshit the college republicans are inviting to speak. However, to not allow him, or people that don’t bow to the altar leftism doesn’t help anyone. People should actively engage those they disagree with. That’s kind of the point of college. This is how we

Nothing like the child of billionaires to really speak to the common folk.

You all do realize that there is a way for actual Progressives to take advantage of things like this, other than whining, right? The people that the Koch brothers support aren’t successful only because of the money poured into their campaigns. They are successful because the Koch brothers support candidates who are

Finally an article on politics from Deadspin I can agree with. Stop hurling nastiness at the GOP(Trump) and fix the liberal side. First step, get Hillary away from the party she is not liked. Second, give people hope that hard work will still get you success in this country.

Democrats are fucking idiots. They are suppose to be the party of the people and then what do they do? Have a secret meeting with rich establishment insiders. Fuck me!