
I’m a little confused by all these hot takes (or whatever we want to call it) about everyone quitting football over this video. Is football the only sport where guys have knee injuries? Did everyone stop watching basketball when Paul George broke his leg? Did everyone stop watching NASCAR when Earnhardt died? Did we

I remember that being the central point of the 49ers player who retired after one year: you can’t work to make the game “safer” when you can suffer a concussion on a routine play. The impact and violence is part of the game. So what do you do then?

Some of us only watch the foozeball for the violence, these people know what they are getting themselves into.

I get that football is very complicated, probably overly so, and I never blame people for not being into it. But every time I read the argument about 4 hours for 6 minutes faaaaaaaart, I identify another person who thinks dead ball = no activity, can’t tell a 13 package from 22, or cover 2 man under from sink zones.

It’s funny, but most of my friends are fairly non-ideological. Meaning, they’ll look at all the police shootings over the past few years, and say, “okay, what happened in South Carolina was unjustified, but Ferguson seems very justified,” etc....

True, but it’s a terrible idea for the US government to agree with them.

Umm have you watched boxing or UFC? they take more blows by far to the head and risk much more... The NFL is dangerous, but they know what they signed up for and honestly its fun to watch hard hits. I hate to see injuries, but still love football as well as the NBA. I wont give up either one.

While I agree with you about watching the NBA over the NFL, I can’t agree that the NBA talent is at an all time high. The 90s NBA would walk all over the current NBA.

True, but US policy has been an effective recruiting tool for terrorists dating back several Presidents, current President included.

You just have to wonder about people who allegedly stopped watching the NFL, yet patrol NFL story comment boards like it’s their job.

Check out Friday Night Tykes if you have Netflix. Parents of 8ish year olds dealing with concussions but, bewilderingly, sending their kids right back out there. Madness.

So much skill that they make a free throw only 75% of the time.

So athletic whenever they fall down they need assistance getting up.

So tall that they barely even have to jump to slam the ball through the hoop.


Bonus content: watching 3 refs on the court deliberate for 5 minutes to determine how to penalize

“most of the games” in which the stars aren’t taking random days off because the reg. season is meaningless, you mean? No, thanks.

Nah, I’ll show up for the only interesting part of the NBA season - half of the playoffs.

“Sign of humanity. Number 59, defense. 15 yards from the spot of the foul. First down.”

LeBron took last night of for rest....real tough

I wonder how many other times she freaked out like this? If someone chose to record it, i assume it wasn’t the first time.

big difference between germany and the uk is german laws put more responsibility on individuals. uk holds the stadium owner partly responsible for incidents.

Huh, given that you completed your masters thesis on this topic, you think you would know that the “disasters mentioned in this article” weren’t caused by standing sections. You also think you would reckon with the fact that many safe seating models do in fact give fans tickets to be in a specific place, that hooligan

you sound exactly like my HR department