
What if you want to pimp the outrage surrounding a fairly harmless sign at a game to further your blog, where do you do that?

This made me chuckle.

That guy voted for Hillary. The establishment hates poor people, especially people who think they’re great for what they’ve “achieved”.

If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.

Flint native here... it’d be cool if the United Way actually did the things they keep saying they will. 100% of these donations may go to Flint......... eventually. But they aren’t so far.

What does happen is a relentless attack on your ethnicity and your religion by the right wing press, by the new president and by his nazi/kkk buddies that suddenly have media coverage and a platform to air their views


Yeah, because nothing like this ever happened November 8th.

I agree, it’s a bad sign.

Jesus Christ there sure are a lot of people who like to tell other people what they should and should not say.

XI: Thou shalt not make a joke about or reference to any current topic

But I can be concerned for people’s safety while also hoping to god it’s anyone but a minority out of concern for THEIR safety too.

He’s stabbing people and you want the cops to be nice? They acted completely in spec

Good grief.

Is anyone writing about how fast the cop shot this guy? The fact that he shot him down about a minute after he got on scene makes it seem like he didn’t try any non-lethal methods of diffusing the situation, but no one seems to even be questioning his hero status.

What does happen is a relentless attack on your ethnicity and your religion by the right wing press, by the new president and by his nazi/kkk buddies that suddenly have media coverage and a platform to air their views.

But sure. Blame a religion for all this.

Note to self: It’s not “self-radicalization” when American white nationalists kill people. Only when the guy is a non-white Muslim. I think I understand now.

Dylann Roof wasn’t “self-radicalized?”

Not denying that, but the media still treats the two very differently — and not just because of a difference in scale.