
your take is bad and you should feel bad.

I do think that the superstar factor is less present in soccer than it is in, say, basketball. You really need to have a bunch of skilled players come up at the same time and get on board the same system. Which tends to happen a lot with Brazil, Germany, and Italy. Just to cherry pick two of your one superstar teams,

Parents can push kids, but at a certain age they’re going to do what they think is cool. Kids have been playing soccer for decades. It’s just that they get to high school and see the way people treat the football or basketball games, and the better athletes make the switch. Even baseball, which is slow as hell has the

The story about her voting for Trump is untrue. But you’re reaching out to her people to find out who she voted for.

I grew up in Ghana and they didn’t make the World Cup until 2006. Before that, they consistently lost by large margins in the qualifiers but national interest for the game actually grew over the years while the country was still losing. After 06, the team got much better until the Government decided to fuck that up.

You reached out to her people to find out who she voted for? Who the hell are you?! Why is that any of your business? I despise anyone who asks me who I voted for. I put that on the same level as people who ask how old you are. Actually, it’s worse. Basically, you want to know who someone voted for so you can

If you feel we don’t belong there, fine. Maybe we don’t.

If soccer wants to grow, a ton of kids need to like soccer more than any other sport in the world. And no team has ever gained fans by getting brained on a regular basis. Move to South America and the US will be developing a generation of kids who think “Nah. I’d rather not watch my team get blasted 5-0.”

CONCACAF did just fine at the last world cup. 3 out of 4 teams past the group stage. The competition is good enough. Are Honduras and T&T much worse than Peru or Venezuela? Not really. The US is not lapping the field in CONCACAF the way the Aussies did in Oceania.

“easily dismantled” ... you do remember the US was one Wondo derp from winning the match, right?

That gets said a lot, but how is getting the shit kicked out of us by 7 or 8 South American teams going to make us better? By keeping us out of the World Cup? Seems like that would just destroy national interest in the game.

Gonzalez also deserves a special mention for that complete lack of hustle to the back line on the first goal. He just watched the Costa Rican run it down and pass it over his head into the box for an easy score.

Getting raped over and over by Brazil and Argentina and Colombia won’t make the USMNT any better. It won’t get better until the US soccer development system is able to consistently produce talent on par with the youngins in Europe and South America.

Sorry but CR winning the real group of death and going out in the QFs via pks > US falling ass backwards into second place of the group and getting easily dismantled by Belgium in the Rd of 16.

I think that’s true to a degree, but for whatever reason it always seems like the former USMNT commentator guys talk like he’s still our best player “most consistent performer” “midfield general” “dictates the flow of the game”....meanwhile, I’m over here like “consistently bad” “dictates the ball right into the

In my mind the anti-vaxxers usually occupy that space that’s so far left (or so far right) that it’s completely gone around the circle and touched the other side. They’re basically political reavers floating in the outer quadrants. See also: people who homeschool for “spiritual/religious” reasons.

There’s a constant in the background of the perpetual under-performance.

Pulisic looked pretty frustrated with the rest of the US’s sorry-ass squad tonight. I lost track of how many times he gestured to acres of open space in front of him after somebody gave the ball away, or pointed out people’s lack of movement while he was on the ball.

The three best teams in CONCACAF are the US, Mexico and Costa Rca. The USMNT has pretty convincingly shown themselves to be the bottom of that trifecta in the past few days.

I can’t understand for the life of me how it seems like Michael Bradley consistently gets a pass for putting in awful performances. He hasn’t had a good game in two years and somehow seems damn near immune to criticism.