
I’m definitely open to the idea that I’m wrong, I only ask that you provide evidence to prove that I am.

I find her response rather odd. My parents are just that age. They remember having measles and mumps, the panic to vaccinate for polio and older children who grew up with it, and the rubella epidemic that led to people they knew losing pregnancies. Honestly, most anti-vaccers I know are unfortunately under the age of

I don’t know if you’re missing the point intentionally or unintentionally, but nobody has argued that we need to watch our tone with overt racists and abusive assholes. The argument is that we shouldn’t treat every Trump voter as if they’re racists and assholes.

The math does not support the claim that Stein voters cost Hillary the election.

Where people can afford the privilege of turning up their noses at the greatest scientific contributions maybe of all time.

I train child care providers and CA just recently changed the law requiring them to be vaccinated. One woman audibly groaned and was like ‘Uhh now they are making us put that poison in us too?’ I couldn’t say anything because I will straight up get fired if I said what I was thinking but my first thoughts were ‘Lady,

Sadly the large enclaves of this bullshit are in major cities in CA, like LA and SF.

Economically yes, socially no. Going hard in the paint for trans rights and shit will not win them any votes.

Counterpoint: LeBron is a thin skinned diva. He and his business associates have been wildly successful; Riley’s comment (as reiterated by Jackson) is juvenile. The only rational reaction to Phil’s attempted “diss” is to make it rain, follow up with a Westbrook style horse laugh, and drop the mic.

You’re half right. The Democrats don’t need to run on leftist European-style policies, at least not to win the presidency, because American voters don’t give a fuck about policy. They only give a fuck about whether a candidate gives them a tingly feeling.

I have no idea why you put this dumb reply under my comment. In some places a farther-left candidate and philosophy will work great, while in other places a more centrist approach would be more successful. And, while those perspectives can happily co-exist when the greater tension is with the opposition, they grate on

I think there are three types of voters right now that will matter.

Thank you! I really dislike how everyone is acting like there was 1 reason she lost. There were lots of different reasons (some legitimate, some illegitimate but still had an effect) and plenty of people to blame. God I hope the Democrats don’t just waste the next 4 years with in fighting...

It’s going to be weird watching the right splinter over the next 12 to 18 months, between the nutty and the not nutty enough and all the various degrees of each. I’m not saying we’re not all on a train going into the United Carnival of America’s Tunnel of Hell, but the problem with having the WH and both houses of

Worst things about white nationalists:

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

A win win situation would be for the league to suspend the knicks for the rest of the season like the Ivy League is doing when athletes make insensitive remarks. This would ease racial tensions and allow us NBA fans to not have to watch knick games this year.

Is this what millennials have decided to be mad at today?

When is the next Insane Clown Dangerous Black People concert? I’d like to stage a protest