
Do they? The Dems have paid lip service to labor unions for years while at the same time pushing for anti-labor agreements like TPP and NAFTA. You also conveniently forgot to leave out breaking up the banks and social justice. Those are just three areas the Dems can be more progressive and less centrist.

Preach! So fucking tired if shortsighted people assuming we were all white guys. I also voted for Clinton in the general but blaming Bernie and his supporters is fucking ignorant.

You want to swing to the left. On what issue? More moderate and more progressive elements will always exist in the Democratic party. What is more, both sides should exist in the Democratic party. I don’t see the value in a tug-of-war for the sake of argument. Think of the basic issues: immigration, women’s rights,

I stayed at my parents’ house this weekend and had a long chat with my mom, who pointed something interesting out.

Cheers, finally some damn common sense! People want to go apoplectic on each other and refuse to understand where things went wrong when we have a perfect example of exactly how to run a fucking campaign who’s still in office for 2 more months.

Clinton was absolutely the victim of sexist bullshit. Not just this election, but her entire life.

Poor people don’t vote. Have you ever canvassed in poor neighborhoods to ask poor people to vote? If so, were you offering them something (i.e., policy that would help them). That’s where we need to regroup as Democrats. I heard that Hillary didn’t send her people to North Philadelphia because what was she offering

Yikes. The Republican candidate this year told people that he would renogiate trade deals, bring back middle class jobs, and decrease immigration, so that wages wont continue to be pushed down. I did not support the Republican candidate because he was vile and racist. However, the Democratic president spoke to none of

I haven’t read Jezebel in a bout a year, but the groupthink going on in the comments is reprehensible. You think Ellison and Bernie are politically at odds with eachother? Why? Because of the color of their skin? Because one is Muslim and the other is Jewish? Ellison was a Bernie surrogate for Chrissakes and Bernie

As much as I hate the Right,

Perhaps if the Democratic Party and the liberal elites it caters too stop mocking “the other half” as ignorant rednecks clinging to their guns and Bibles and remember that they too are Americans with concerns about their jobs and their families, they wouldn’t have to run for cover at the GOP.

Who are you? Where did you come from? Can we be friendz

Exactly. Democrats/liberals/progressives often think they’re too cool for school and too smart for the room and will run down any number of reasons why your vote is pointless or why the lower elections don’t really matter because blah, blah, but strangely I can find any number of them who are more than willing to

When medicare and medicaid become voucher programs in the process of dismantling the ACA (which will happen in six months), there are going to be scads of people that will be coming to the reality that they voted very much against their own interests. As the sick, disabled and elderly end up in the streets, it will be

Eh, I’ve been around. I was browbeaten into submission during the primaries, fought the good fight for Clinton in the general, worried about each mistake and called them out in turn, but ultimately stayed loyal to the party. Of course, if you even thought about voting for a socialist in the primaries, you’re among

Exactly this. My county is staunchly red - mainly because the repubs turn up at EVERY election, whereas the dems only mobilize during presidential ones.

realistically not going to happen. the republicon party is extremely hegemonic and since they lean authoritarian anyways its incredibly easy to use top down hierarchy to get everyone on the same page and out the door. Whereas the democratic party is an umbrella party for literally everyone else, its like herding cats,


They start voting in every election—midterm elections, special elections, city council elections, proposition-only elections, bond-only elections, every election.

Here’s our plan, from what I can tell: