
I’m 100% for identifying real coded racial words when they get put out there, but am I wrong to think that the most obvious possies (possi?) are both insane and clown friendly in the current vernacular? I get some of what Maverick Carter is saying; ‘Don’t just assume we’re all worthless jerkoffs, we have value’, and

Basically maverick and lebron exposed themselves for not knowing what a coded racist term is.

That bullshite. Silver repeatedly warned that a 1 in 3 chance that Trump might win, means, exactly, that he might win. He warned of uncertainty, almost daily. 

This article and the underlying idea of shitting on Silver, who published podcasts and articles that said Trump had a better chance than people understood and also whose model gave him a 35x better chance than HuffPo and others did, is all bad and dumb. 538 had several articles ahead of the election explaining why

What is the world coming to when the younger black guys cite the Oxford dictionary as the reason they are insulted by a word choice from an older white guy who used the term correctly as defined on Urban Dictionary and exactly 97.4% of all rap songs in which the word appears.

Lebron and his agent get upset about the term “posse” but have no problem being called out for being a grown ass man traveling with his Moms? Wasn’t his Mom’s sleeping with one of his teammates back in the day as well?

I’m sure the Zen Master meant that precise word to insult Lebron. Maybe he meant it in the tone of Sir Mix-A-Lot’s My Posse’s on Broadway? Hell, he could have said crew, clique, gang, or better yet, goon squad, and it would have meant the same thing.

It’s not fair that people characterize Lebron as a “bitch.”

Of all the people to take “to task” over this election, Nate Silver seems like the most nonsensical one to focus on.

Something with a 30% chance of happening will happen 30% of the time. Silver gave Trump a 30% chance of winning, which is very different than saying “Donald Trump won’t win.”

He has to explain himself because the same idiots demanding an explanation get pissed at the weatherman when they’re rained on but were told there was “only” a 30% chance of rain.


This use of language is INSANE.

The rest of Phil’s quote kinda shows his hand. He praised the posse for their “incredible athleticism” and complimented how “well-spoken” they were.

Most people do not understand the concept of probability. If Silver’s model gives Trump a 30% chance of winning, it means that if the election is held 100 times, Trump wins 30 of them. This was one of the 30.

Phil wanted to throw them out, so he just grabbed ‘em by the posse.

He wasn’t wrong, he gave Trump a 35% chance of winning the day before the election (and 29% the morning of). That means he was calling it a very close race with Trump having a very real chance of winning.

Huh? Silver was consistently attacked for weeks because his win probability for Clinton was “way too low”. He comes out of this looking way way better than nearly every other statistician (after consistently being horribly wrong for 15 months, but hey).

Not sure why he needs to explain himself with respect to the general election. He gave trump the best shot out of anyone, and was constantly ringing the bell that the contest was far from over.