
Honestly I am fed up of trying to find someone to blame. Sure if this happened & that happened & the moon had been in virgo we’d have won. But we didn’t. Maybe it’s getting time to stop whining about what we can’t change & pull up our big girl & boy panties & deal with what is ahead.Iknow people process grief at

Your political system asks its participants to tear each other down for a year, in public.

It’s possible to be deeply humiliated by a lot of things.

Oh, please. You’re acting like Hillary is completely without faults that should be pointed out in a primary season. This happens every primary season. Hillary trashed the absolute shit out of Obama in 2008, and guess what? He still won. Is this your first election season? Jesus, the excuses that people make on kinja

“Talking to the working class” doesn’t mean “appeasing racists”.

But I’m still just having a bit of a hard time even looking at him right now for his role in depressing overall voter turnout

I’m seeing hundreds of comments here and on Jezebel blaming white people for voting for Trump. It does seem obvious to me that centrist Democrats like Clinton have very little to offer people in terms of economic policy, and it also seems like Clinton really didn’t make much of an effort to win over disaffected and

I think Bernie speaks to working people, especially struggling, working people, in a way no other candiate has. I think he would have won, easily.

Kurt Eichenwald is a titanic Hillary shill that had a hand in pushing HRC over Sanders. He also lied about Wikileaks to HRC’s advantage. He’s a fucking hack.

Coming from someone with a family that sounds very much like yours, my advice is to pick your battles wisely. When they’re going full crazy, I ignore it. You can’t reason with full crazy. When they make offhand comments stating things that are easily proved wrong or simply say something bigoted, I confront them as

It’s always “we weren’t conservative enough” with the Clinton Democrats. Even as the fucking Republican nominee goes to our left on trade and manufacturing, and spending and infrastructure, all things WE should have been advocating. Instead the Democrats are now the party of free trade, shipping manufacturing jobs

Wow, Kurt Eichenwald comes across as an angry douche.

Millions of black voters that voted Obama twice stayed home this time. I doubt Bernie could have done worse.

Keep telling yourself that, as we bury the once openly liberal (and thriving), now centrist (and very dead) democratic party. Obviously the problem is the democratic party is not right-wing enough.

They voted for a black guy twice; why wouldn’t they vote for someone who’s jewish? I’m not talking about the Trump voters in the south and other parts of the country; I’m specifically talking about the white guys, many of them union, in the rust belt that put Obama over the top but then switched to Trump. Obama got a

He’s also not actually a socialist.

I still love Bernie. The Bern Bros who voted Third Party or for Trup.... not so much.

I think it’s worth saying. Taking them for granted was their greatest hubris in this election.

What a good guy. I voted for Clinton (because I’m not a fucking idiot) but I always loved Bernie. I think that this optimism and this encouraging idea that we need to push forward for what is right, is exactly what many of us need right now.

Godspeed Bernie.