
America was built on genocide and slavery.

Call me a completionist, but i feel like the years 1600-1650, 1794-1800, and 1920-2016 belong in some category. And we should have an Age of Innocence somewhere around 1870-1914 to make clear the pun on Edith Wharton’s novel. But none of these suggestions really contribute to the conversation so nvm.

You know there are actually good reasons to vote Third Party, right?

I will add to that list one of the other instigators of World War II, Japan. They remove from their history their treatment of China, but the own the rest of the horrendous shit they did that led to WWII and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

- Angela Merkel is NOT a liberal.

Because they didn’t have a stake in the alternative. What Clinton and Merksl represent isn’t going save us. Time to rebuild a real left.

it all seems like a great idea until the possibility that the shoe could one day be on the other foot

But a lot of people did not even care enough to vote against a terrible person.

By a very, very small margin. Around 1%. Don’t forget that. It’s not a number to be smug at.

This is all, horrifyingly, true.

Well, before it was : “Don’t believe everything you see on TV.” They just need to update this line to : “Don’t believe everything you see on the internet.” and our kids will be as safe as possibly can. Can’t cure stupidity for adults though, stop trying.

“make America Great Again” /puke

Facebook, once again, is trying to half-ass functions it was never meant to serve.

It’s not Facebook. It’s the INTERNET SHEEPLE. We need to control what is printed on the INTERNETS. TRUMP NEEDS TO ASSIGN SOMEONE TO CONTROL THE INTERNET FOR TRUTH!

...I’d probably still read it.

Settle down bro and take a deep breathe.

No, I don’t. I have watched waves of “big-name” posters at this site bully, dismiss, and marginalize unapproved or less well-known commenters. I appreciate that you may be more generous-minded than I am, but you don’t really know if Poodletime’s intentions were good, do you?

How is that commenter a troll? Because they have a different opinion?

Actually the guy in the first video was in a incident where a car got scraped and people pulled him out of his car and beat him. The onlookers were yelling that he was a Trump voter just because he was white. Even the victim says there was no way they could know who he voted for, no stickers etc on his car

You asked “why the fuck are Sikhs inevitably assaulted for the “crimes” of Muslims?”