
The work of white men building new worlds based on their craziest dreams continues.

Huh, and I thought the election this week was the worst example I’d seen of life imitating Art.

Shit, I clicked on Jezlopnik on accident...

If that’s the case, what is the comment section for, expressing feelings of people other than myself?

The work of white men building new worlds based on their craziest dreams continues

You gotta wonder. Jalopnik has turned so insanely liberal. What piss-poor writer would intentionally turn off half their potential readers in the first paragraph? I thought Jalopnik was about cars. I guess it’s now more about whiny millennials not getting the new toy they wanted.

Hillary lost. get over it. you can shout from the rooftops and be as biased as you want. at some point, you need to grow up, become an adult and move on.

firstly; the irony of it being a toyota is fairly entertaining

secondly, enough whinging already! the man got elected for numerous reasons, one of the biggest is the lousy fucking candidate the Dems went with in choosing Hillary. what should have been a landslide against a racist asshole turned into a shell shocked

I’m a white dude that sits next to a bunch of Trump supporters at my work (I am pro-Bernie, voted for Hillary in the general election). Since Trump winning the election, I have found myself getting vexed by just their presence alone; they don’t even need to discuss politics in a pro-Trump manner. Wish I could have the

Dude predicted the future. Give him that.

Not as embarrassing as all the Liberals that are burning down their cities because the election didn’t go their way.

Additionally it’s most hurtful to hear my black co-workers decry trump and then go “but I do agree about immigration, there’s too many Spanish people around and they don’t even speak English”

Man I am right there with you.

Good for you dawg! I quit my job in October because walking into work on a daily basis and hearing your boss rant and rave about how “all lives matter too” and “the illegals are getting free social security money” was starting to affect my health dawg. My blood pressure would be sky high for 8 hours a day and I

As a privileged white man, safely and happily at home taking care of the kids while the wife brings home the bacon (because fuck gender norms), I would like you to know that while I was still “a productive member of society” I would’ve had your back. Many times I stood up to the office bullies, of which there are

They literally released it during a game so the fan base would be distracted. If they win they don’t want to kill the buzz with bad news and if they lose they don’t want to read more bad news.

They are the evolution of soulless P.R. I sadly see some places copying them in this way instead of in a “we shouldn’t have a

The more details we get will serve to show how morally culpable Briles is as an individual for what went down. But it’s ludicrous that there is anybody out there arguing he shouldn’t have been fired for how the program as a whole handled sexual assault claims. Always great to see how men that preach personal

“That’s not a crime, that’s TEAMWORK!!”

These people are terrible human beings.