
Yeah, I also find it a bit embarrassing how people in the comments are being catty about Taylor Swift, who not so long ago gave $1 million to flood relief :/

How she voted is none of your damn business.

Same.every Trump supportingmember of my family is getting a membership to the NAACP this holiday season. And Im answering every hateful post they make on sociel media. No more unfollow/unfrinding for me. Time to educate

I donated to planned parenthood and then got a lecture from a family member about dead babies. So I donated again, double my original amount, in said family member’s name.

Looks like Trump was right. America doesn’t win anymore.

Reaching out to people who would rather watch the country burn than pick themselves up by their bootstraps seems a rather cowardly move just because we lost. If a single election is enough to cause you to question your own principles then maybe they weren’t very strong to begin with? I mean you’re basically saying

The Democrats need another Bernie Sanders. Someone who will take the time to explain how and why they’re helping, and not just tell you that they’re helping.

Exactly this. There is a difference between an unabashed racist and a person who is willing to overlook the racism of another to serve their own self-interest. 

my point is this tone deaf nonsense where you call the half the country living breathing garbage it makes people angry

Oh I totally agree. We need to be selling the entire working class population on the importance of policy. The most persuasive case is “Donald Trump promised you the moon and gave you nothing, here’s what we can offer.” I’m just saying that you don’t have to win over the entire population. Tying with college

i mean i can google up the articles about the guy who shot the trump supporter simply because he supported trump, or the busnisses people tried to get shut down

Jordan’s remedy would quite possibly result in a civil war, because what else says “diversity is our strength” then ginning up ethnic tensions between middle American whites and minorities.

It’s not racism-lite. I don’t know why so many Dems believe this. It’s so dumb.

Yes, but if the overall goal is to make the country a better place, we need to get as many people on board as we can.

I was joking. I agree with what you’re saying.

Also, let’s not overstate the issue here. We don’t need to see a sea change: just cut into the GOP margin by a few percent among blue collar whites to get to like 40% and that’s enough to swing the election.

You’re the problem.

TBH I think it’s possible to address the concerns of the white working class while firmly holding that racism is unacceptable. Left-liberals tend to be very big picture thinkers who love ideological purity, but the Democratic Party’s coalition is a big tent and we should make it bigger. A 50 state solution that

Thank fucking god I was hesitant to sign up. I fucking KNEW something like this would happen, holy fuck.

A single masked officer does not imply widespread misconduct, but it is a harbinger of things to come