
How does that compare to the normal murder rate? I suspect it’s lower, so what’s the issue? Unless these are all confirmed to be hate crimes

I’m a whitle male and in a Union. I am scared shitless. Our company wants to get rid of us and now they will have the laws to do it in care of the Right wing nuts in congress who will drive home their UNION/Labor BASHING agendas they were trying to run through the Supreme Court before.

This “This is not about how much America hates women or how sexist America is, because it’s clear that white women helped facilitate Trump’s win” really doesn’t make sense. I agree with you that this election has a lot to do with racism, that sentence just stuck out to me as really not making sense.

Oh, there are a shitload of racists in his coalition. They just don’t identify as racists. But that’s what happens when there is no solidarity in the working class: racial animus serves as stand-in for economic uncertainty.

The numbers show Clinton substantially benefited from Johnson’s performance. Absent his showing, her losses in the Rust Belt would have been that much worse.

When are we going to start blaming Hillary Clinton for losing the election?

She ran a poor campaign full of arrogance toward “deplorables” and took her voter base for granted. Trump appealed to working people who are watching their economic futures get worse and worse. The offer to renegotiate NAFTA could have won him the election all by itself. Afa his voters being rabid racists and

If you keep rinsing your toothbrush in the toilet and blame elves every time...

No, Hillary would’ve won those states if she was a better candidate for those voters.

Oh go fuck yourself. Stein was a nonentity. Exponentially more Republican votes were siphoned away for Johnson. Clinton was gifted a rightwing spoiler and her trainwreck of a campaign STILL couldn’t capitalize on the advantage.

Gore lost because he took WV for granted. It made sense to the ‘experts’ at the time that the most consistently voting Democrat state could be safely ignored. The guy literally dropped in to an airport in Northern WV, gave a 15 mins speech about the environment (implicitly suggesting coal was screwed, which is the

What we’ve learned is that the ‘polls’ are like using a foot long ruler that only goes to 8" to measure a room, then being shocked when the couch doesn’t fit. The ‘polls’ were wrong. Get better at this Democrats!

true, except half of those 3rd party voters were previous republicans. nobody liked their canidate.

No. In an election this close you don’t take swing states for granted. That’s horrible strategy. Sure, don’t go crazy there, but to never campaign there at all? No excuse.

“ask Clinton herself why she never stepped fucking foot in Wisconsin this whole time.”

You’re making a terrible assumption. You assume that had they not voted for a thrid party candidate, they would have voted for your candidate. In truth, they probably wouldn’t have voted at all.

Don’t run a neocon disguised as a democrat and this shit wouldn’t happen.

True, take away Jill Stein and Hillary wins MI and WI, but PA and FL stay red and Hillary still loses. This ain’t on Jill Stein.

This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.