
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Those people didn’t purposely vote for a racist sexist asshole because they are white and hate other cultures, they voted for what they felt was integral to their survival. Rural people don’t give a shit about political correctness, they give a shit about putting food on the table

Bingo. Clinton lost not because of social issues, but because she ignored economic ones. So Hamilton’s call to arms while not mentioning economic issues illustrates completely how out of touch the democrats are and why they just lost to a halfwit con man.

Rust belt whites didn’t support him any more than Romney...she got 6 million less votes than 2012 Obama...that’s why she lost.

but they keep voting for the folks that ship their jobs overseas, bankrupt their pensions, pull their social safety nets, etc

The “enlightened” left continually misses what a large swath of America cares about. This is exactly how the DNC and every large media organization never predicted this election. They simply don’t understand, or want to understand, middle america.

two opposing views can be equally true. He’s racist sexist and xenophobic. So are the rust belt voters who voted for him. Their situation is also not getting better and Hillary could not speak to their concerns.

Watching your community die a slow death for 30 years lets you overlook some things when people say they can save it.

I guess the great crime here is that Hillary failed to offer up impossible and worthless platitudes to these folks. I don’t look down on working class people, my father certainly falls into that category. However, you’re selling snake oil to these people if you try to convince them that manufacturing is coming back as

Trump did better with minorities than Romney in 2012.

It wasn’t the liberals condescending to them. The liberals came with Bernie and spoke to their hopes and dreams. The liberals wanted to make Washington finally pay attention to lower class suffering and bad trade deals. It was the centrist republican lite wing of the democrats that came with the condescension.

You’re asking people around here to analyze this objectively. Good luck with that.

They have been condescended to, called racist and sexist for the last 8 years. Weird they didn’t fall in line with the liberals.

You’ve done a great job here pointing out a phenomenon known as “point-and-laugh liberalism.” Maybe if the Democrats adopted the a policy of unconditional respect, one that was advocated by... what’s his name.... the old white guy from Vermont, we wouldn’t be staring at this goddamn travesty. These people are

I’d add that anytime they were spoke to, they were called racist, sexist, xenophbic, uneducated bigots. Apparently you shouldn’t alienate one of the biggest voting blocks in the country.

And add to that. Trump voters have been called racist, xenophobic, homophobic, and worse for almost 20 years. Of course they related and sympathized with him. The left owns this election.

I’m sending RBG super vitamins is what I’m doing
And whatever Stephen Breyer is having too

And I’m going to start watching Fox News, so I can see what Bret Baier and Anne Coulter and Sean Hannity have planned for us in the run up to 2020.
I’ll report back.

Nope. I bitched about his supporters all morning but I’m done with that now. Give the DNC to Bernie.

Great words but the quotidian needs of movement-building are tough.

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

42% of women voted for trump so fuck you right back