
Maybe. It would have helped if Clinton had actually talked to them about issues they voted for. I’m not sure they would have believed her, because I don’t think she believes much of what she is saying. So in a stunning reality check it is you who needs to examine your sense of entitlement to your view as the only

I look forward to reading “The Golden Days of American Satire: 8 Nov 2016 - 21 Jan 2017"

Good point. Current events may induce a powerful ennui.

Yeah, no change.

Looking at the close states, be sure to thank those that voted third party (the coward’s vote) for that.
I take issue with this, the primary third party votes when to Johnson, which undercut Trump’s own votes.

perhaps if the DNC had opted for a genuine middle ground candidate instead of a pair of old establishment

As a middle age, middle class white guy, I am horrified by tonight’s events. Not surprised because I am aware of how truly ignorant the average American is on how government actually functions (“I will upend the ‘establishment’ by voting in all incumbents! That will show that do nothing Congress!”). Having said

This is not the outcome I wanted, but it is the outcome we have reached. That is how democracy works.

Shouldn’t have picked one of the loser sciences. What even is a “environment”?

I get the anger and the frustration but a secession is first of all, very illegal although I think there are states who retained the right to secede under special circumstances so I’m not sure if California is one of them. Secondly, this is just as bad as Texas who wanted to secede after Obama’s victories. It’s a

How do we lose?

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I thought Brexit was Bad.....but turns it out it was just the warm up act. I look forward to seeing George A Romero’s vision coming true. The Zombie Apocolypse can’t come quickly enough.

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...

Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.

If anybody thinks 2020 is the year to fix this, we’re still doomed.

Yep, and no other nominee was given a real chance. Bernie was there just to provide some competition, the fact that he made her work for it was probably unexpected.

This is the world we live in - now is the time to work to change it.

Yeah, I’m confused how Dems thought they were going to pull in conservative voters with Hillary. They weren’t voting for president. They were voting for Supreme Court seats.

Just earlier today they had several posts about how white males who reluctantly voted for Clinton should shut up. And instead of looking at why Hillary lost, they’re going to blame non-voters, people who didn’t cheer hard enough, and third party candidates.

The very first reply I got accused me of hating Hillary because she’s a woman. I fucking voted for her last week via mail. But because I had the gall to suggest that Sanders was a better candidate, and indeed I voted for him in the primaries, I’m just a misogynistic piece of shit.

I voted for her. Are you guys REALLY still pulling this bullshit card? Thanks for reminding me why I left.