
Ironically, or perhaps not so, teachers and childcare workers make relatively low wages even in the absolute most “progressive” pockets in the country- Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Cambridge, etc. So, if these towns pay teachers so little relative to the cost of living, don’t expect anything to change nationally

What we need is a national child care system with workers earning living wages. We had one that worked really well in World War 2, the military still has one, and we came very close to getting one in the 1970s before Pat Buchanon convinced Nixon that it was un-American/undermined American families/blah (causing him to

Ok I know you’re joking, but my dad actually told me a few months ago that the best time in America was when there was no government oversite and the poor were cared for by the church. LIKE DURING THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION WHEN CHILDREN WERE WORKING 14 HOUR DAYS IN FACTORIES.

The child unemployment rate has skyrocketed under the corrupt Obama administration. Hero Donald J Trump has a plan to put children back to work in 2017.

We pay $800 a month for part time (2 days a week) daycare here in NC, and our teachers are fantastic, but we know they struggle and have to babysit and do other jobs in addition to their full time 40+ hour job... We pay at least $20/hr plus a tip when we hire one of them to babysit because we know how hard they have

Where does the money go?

Wasn’t Jay Z the guy who did that song about how the Yiddish in Paris were going gorillas?

So basically this is Mark Cuban having a temper tantrum that his aggressively mediocre team is no longer the sole focus of a good reporter? Ugh, manbaby move by the biggest manbaby in Texas.

That’s not the end of it! My sources tell me he won’t ever appear on Bill Simmons’s “Any Given Wednesday” again either.

Amusingly warped logic, tovarisch

Ah yes, the ol’ only-MVP-caliber-athletes-are-allowed-to-have-personalities take

I get that but also there is a culture element to this as well. In certain communities in CA this is actually really normal and part of our culture. I live in a predominantly Latino community and tons of women sell tamales from their home in batches. I buy them all the time. Tamales are a big deal to make and the

I get what you are saying, but the problem with this is that she being subjected to this when the FDA allows food execs to Facebook charges when their food actuallly kills people. They also want her to be on probation for violating the same spirit of these laws. There was a massive food recall because of 8 deaths from

I don’t agree with you. We are talking about food safety laws that have been laws in california for pretty much ever. Commercial kitchens exist so small companies can rent that space and produce their products. This woman was only selling to her mommy group, and I think there are limits to how much one can produce in

I agree, but a lot of times, these laws aren’t always put in place with purest of intentions.

And yet no one went to jail from General Mills...

After I get down on my knees and pray, I usually just end it with an “Amen.” His god must be more OG than mine.

Only a matter of time until Goodell proposes a ban on foul language during football games. 10 yards and $15K for the F word sounds reasonable.

I like that he seems that mad that the Niners defense is bad.

I was thinking the same thing. We would have seen so many CAPS