
Black president

I’m sure they’ll declare it over and over again on message boards far and wide. And then they won’t do anything in the real world.

There are so many “toss-up” states going by recent polling that it’s terrifying enough. There’s a very good chance that Hillary wins but doesn’t get past 300, which would be the closest election since 2004.

This is so realistic I can’t even tell if it’s satire or not.

Pictured: Conservatwitter.

Oh, hell, let’s be honest, Pence is hoping someone takes out the Drumpsterfire, that way he gets to be the President(ial Candidate).

That’s gotta be the most post-hipster alt-right sentence I’ve read all week.

Trump lacks the stamina to fight off his own assassin.

Yeah, Dave....if you really want to start ranking the victims of’re going to have to stand in line behind the Native Americans. Not to worry...the line’s pretty short for some reason.

No shit. Teddy Roosevelt took one in the chest and didn’t even cut the speech short. Be a man, pussy.

Not so fast though. Yeah if this was a real assassination attempt and Trump slunk off like some cuck that’s total beta behavior. On the other hand, he could be running game here and operating everyone. Peacocking via a phony assassination attempt is the ballsiest kind of peacocking and takes a true alpha to pull off.

Nah, Trump sensed a draft come into the room, so he was dodging it.

If only they could have called Reno 911!

Conservatwitter is already proclaiming it a assassination attempt by Hillary and Obama.

honestly, trump is a cuck for having security in the first place. take your threats like a man, you coward.

You got it all wrong! Didn’t you know that nearly all of the world’s gay people live underwater in the middle of the ocean?

Well, I’m black and gay, so let me try to explain this, at least how I’ve experienced things.

The one thing that separates homophobia and transphobia from racism is that, for the most part, those elements of who someone is can be hidden from public view. A person who is gay can remain in the closet if they so choose,

He headlined the Oddball comedy festival a few years ago. He basically got on stage, chain-smoked, and ranted nonsense for about 45 minutes. There wasn’t any aspect of it that was even slightly entertaining, or on the mark of anything (he bitched about Comedy Central and being famous), let alone funny. It was super

“First, a spoiler: Chappelle cast his early vote for Hillary in Ohio, so it’s unclear why he opted to dedicate such a solid chunk of time to knocking his professed candidate of choice.”

This article reeks of “get in line boy”.