
I think your response is the most reasonable. I think there are many points to blame including sexism, racism, shitty campaigning in Hillary part, no enthusiasm, Hillarys likability due to legit reasons, strong third party votes and resentful working class that wanted a huge change in Washington.

No it’s those darn Bernie bros fault!

That’s how out of touch Hillary campaign felt. You think anyone gave a fuck Katy perry was endorsing you

Thanks for this. I’ve always thought Hillary campaign was nowhere near as good as baracks in 08. That’s when many Democratic volunteers were walking around helping people throughout the swing state of NC getting people to register to vote. I didn’t see it this year while Donald came every week while Hillary ignored a

Not anymore but I hope this loss gets us back into having some common sense

Yup trump has a 35% chance. So it was never a shoe in for Hillary

I voted for Hillary holding my nose but knowing how important it was for her to win my swing state of NC. I knew what was at stake in NC but if someone voted for stein in New York or in California I wouldn’t be mad. But stein voter in Pennsylvania, all I gotta say is wtf were you thinking

Don’t forget golden state being up 3-1 against cleaveland. Oh and Leicester city winning the premier league.

Oh shit the mayans had it wrong it’s actually 2016

Donna Brazile leaking the questions of debates before the primary debates. Having closed primaries, DNC who should be impartial, strategizing against Bernie an using his religious belief against him. DNC using their influence with the media to ignore Bernie campaigns and rallies

Especially for the mid terms

Nah they don’t live in Portland.jk jk

Because Hillary didn’t do that to obama in 08

Just be calm and give them your point of view. Your not there to convert or even argue. Your there to break their conservative bubble and make them look outside the box a bit. also avoid calling them racist, sexist or whatever ist unless they are blatantly being one. And if that happens then you should leave and most

Considering how hard the DNC was fucking him over during the primaries you should be glad he did the bare minimum

He handled BLM better than Hillary did. Btw who referred to who as super predators

What’s wrong with calling out hillarys ties with Wall Street. He wasn’t making it up.


I think people could see how genuine Bernie felt about his stances unlike trump. And definitely unlike Hillary who’s stance was “I’m not him”

No jezzies hate the fact that Bernie challenged their anointed queen during the primaries and secretly or openly blame Bernie for hillarys lost