
In younger blacks and Latinos Bernie was extremely popular

I agree. Mainstream legacy media has no fucking clue how things go anymore, thy are stuck in their NYC bubble

But in order to win in Louisiana these are the position he must take, I’m fine with that as long as he believes in helping the marginalized and goes against trump

Welcome to the club.

Considering how much the DNC fucked Bernie over they should be glad he did all he did .

Bernie during the primaries had high numbers regarding millenials of all races. Quit going after Bernie considering he still endorsed Hillary after Hillary had the DNC secretly backing her up.

Gore lost because he lost West Virginia. Clinton lost because she lost all the swing states plus Pennsylvania, Michigan and another blue state obama won. Hillary trusted the polls way to much and it’s why she lost.

Hell no that’s another crook


I think the rise of internet use will be looked at like the rise of the printing press and how it caused religious tension. Internet and its propensity to make fake news catered to right wingers is doing its damage

disagreement = troll.

Detroit is still pretty blue it’s just the surrounding areas. Btw should we encourage people to move into red states that can possibly swing.

Move to Greensboro NC and help turn NC blue. It’s a liberal city with three universities including a HBCU. Also the cost of living isn’t as high as California. And people aren’t as crazy

We are not that stupid. Just like Katy perry telling women to vote for Hillary didn’t work using Oprah won’t work on blacks.

You sound like a republican when explaining stuff to poor people.

I totally agree. People dislike black people more than they dislike women. Hillary wasn’t the right candidate

Let’s not do that!They didn’t do that to us when Barack won. What they did do was organized grassroots effort to make obama political career a living hell by making the tea party platform

But they will never admit that Hillary was the second most unliked person to run in office since Donald trump.

I’m scared for my undocumented friends and family. Im scared of stop and frisk and a brown Latino man who is American. Women are scared bc their reproductive rights will be taken away. It’s a scary time and we all need to stick together

I’m rooting for you! These kids and young adults are just as Americans as you and I are. This has been a lifeline to them and hopefully trump doesn’t go after those kids.